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Thread: Did you know...

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  1. #1

    Did you know...

    That underneath the foam vynil on the dash it's dark grey? I just found out while taking off the foam from my dash. Take a look.

    Also, does anyone know an easy way to get the foam padding off? I just went ahead and started scraping it off. Any kind of solvents or special methods?

    I've got one love in my life. And my girlfriend's learned to live with it. Girlfriends come and go. Your ride is forever.

  2. #2
    u need to get that smooth as possible man..... almost as smooth as if u were gonna paint it.....use something called Mineral Sprits to help u takje the glue off......then scrape..... when i did mine this was the part that took me the longest to do...... u have to get it smooth so when u lay the vynil over it there will be no bumps..........i used a pressure washer,sandpaper,metal scraper,and mineral spirits to get it off...

  3. #3
    Is it really neccessary to remove the foam to lay new vinyl? Don't you want the cushion there?


  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by BlankMan
    Is it really neccessary to remove the foam to lay new vinyl? Don't you want the cushion there?

    yes it is.....very much necessary...u need to take off the cloth... and when u take off the cloth its glued to the foam. so it comes off with it......if u put the vynil over the cloth,, it lookds hidious....puffy and the screws tont match or align at all,,,and it doesnt sit flush.... u can ask mike969 as i am doiung his interior,,

    and about the cushion,,, u can stick foam and then vynil over it but it will not look too good,, cuz i have done it and it never looks flush..... heres what ive done to mine so far,,i sanded it all the qy daown smooth and it looked good....ive done my doors like 3 times so ive tried it both ways.., if u guys need help, u can IM me at shogun8g

  5. #5
    You do a great job - but at least on the doors, I covered mine over the existing cloth and believe they turned out just dandy. Everything's flush, lines up and looks great....

    (old pic:)


  6. #6
    Right now, I'm trying to decide what I want to do. I could go vynil like I originally was planning, or, some kind of fiberglass setup. When picture it in my head, I see a nice gloss black dash with mabey a 3D pop up triple diamond emblem.

    Censee, would a place like wal mart have mineral spirits or would I get it from specialty stores?

    I've got one love in my life. And my girlfriend's learned to live with it. Girlfriends come and go. Your ride is forever.

  7. #7
    [quote="BlankMan"]You do a great job - but at least on the doors, I covered mine over the existing cloth and believe they turned out just dandy. Everything's flush, lines up and looks great....

    good for u..

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigg Boi
    ...would a place like wal mart have mineral spirits or would I get it from specialty stores?
    Wal Mart or a home supply store or hardware store. Generally in the home paint section or close to.

    Quote Originally Posted by Censee
    good for u..
    Really, I wan't making a sly comment or tootin my own horn - just wanted to put that out there. Hope it didn't come across like that...


  9. #9
    try home depot

  10. #10
    On the door panels, I went both your guys' routes. I left the cloth on the front doors, and took it off on the back. While it was easier to tuck under without the stock cloth, I kinda like the feel and look of the doors with the cloth. It's all personal taste really...

    I've got one love in my life. And my girlfriend's learned to live with it. Girlfriends come and go. Your ride is forever.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigg Boi
    On the door panels, I went both your guys' routes. I left the cloth on the front doors, and took it off on the back. While it was easier to tuck under without the stock cloth, I kinda like the feel and look of the doors with the cloth. It's all personal taste really...
    yea it is.. i wasnt really knocking blankmans idea... its just that i dont like the puff on it,,, i like it be flat and no "squishy" if u know what i mean............

  12. #12
    I get what you're sayin. But since I rest my elbow on the doors alot while driving, I like the cushion.

    And on the dash, I've decided to go the fiberglass route. I've got about 5 or 6 packs of fiberglass mat in my garage that I'm using for my tire well box which is on hold right now cuz I'm a spaz and like to jump around from project to project.

    I'm waiting for cali to get bored and finally make his entire dash CF (you know it'll happen sooner or later) so I can see what it looks like. I need to build, well start, my CF skills first though...

    I've got one love in my life. And my girlfriend's learned to live with it. Girlfriends come and go. Your ride is forever.

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