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Thread: Anyone with messed up paint?

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  1. #1
    TGC Regular
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    West Palm Beach, Fl

    Anyone with messed up paint?

    Hey guys, my car is losing paint! Bascially, on the rear fenders, trunk and roof theres a white haze, looks like there no more clear coat, its not shinny, and you can't wax it off. Its spreading very fast too. It started out slow and has detoriated by the week. I need a new paint job soon. It looks terrible, just seeing if anyone else has the problem. I am going to stop by mistusbishi and see if they can tell me from the VIN # if its been repainted or what is wrong with it. If I get a paint job, its going to be cheapo from macco, just to last a year or so...
    2004 Mazda 3i; bought 7/2/04
    98 Galant ES; Sold 6/30/04

  2. #2
    Experienced TGC Member
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    San Antonio, Tex-Mex
    I voted yes, but with circumstance...

    Alaska is brutal on the G.... brutal. I have so many paint chips on the front and sides of my car because of gravel you would not believe. They lay gravel down for traction in the winter and it gets kicked up all the time. I have replaced my windshield TWICE in 2 years. Fuckin A....

    I love on a dirt road too
    [b]<span style='color:blue'>Wes</span>
    The true path to enlightenment is Here
    <-Check it out Maz
    My 7g

    [b]<span style='color:darkred'>ClubTGC Shidoshi-Kai Fellowship</span>

  3. #3
    I love on a dirt road too

    Try it on a carpet, or even better, on a mattress. Won't leave marks as bad as a dirt road. Less to clean up too.

  4. #4
    I had oxidation like a mother on my ride. I got it repainted but the fools at macco did a crappy ass job, so now I have chips in my paint already within a year.

  5. #5
    Eh, paints not too bad so far. My girl and I take good care of this car when we can, so the only place the paint seems to have flaked off is on the plasteek car-door handles and Key assemblies, past that the only other paint peevs I seem to have is the black paint on the door and window framing.

    Its looks like someone attacked the thing with a poodle made of fricken steel wool...

    Eh, ohwell - this things getting a paint job when we have money.

  6. #6


    Hey bstnsportsfan,
    I really don't have any unusual paint peevs but my baby is starting to show a little age. When I get some real money I'm going to have her
    repainted completely but, in the meantime I found this place that says they can mint it out almost as good as new. They usually work on lease returns. (you know how picky car dealers can be!)
    I spoke to one of the owners and he said that when they finish, it will look like glass.
    That's including all the road gravel dings, bird dropping discoloration, fading, and general wear. I saw a mustang that they did and it looked
    like a really good job so for around $300. I think I'll give them a try.

    Here's their site.

    Hope this helps....

  7. #7
    mine has little chips that look just like rock chips , which it can't be since its on the drivers rear pillar between the rear door and the rear window and my roof on the other hand its not flaking or pealing or any thing it real shine it just looks like the paint has pealed off the top and some one has painted over damaged paint.. its realy wierd looking but been like that since i bought it..

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