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Thread: Its dead Jim.

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  1. #1

    Its dead Jim.

    This one P*sses me off big time, our 95 Galant S has been going pretty d*mn strong for a while now, but just as I'm on my way to a new job, it dies. No, lets say implodes. Yes, that'll work.

    My F***ing Galant imploded.

    I'm still not sure how this happened, and no ones given me an adequate reason. I was pulling out of the parking lot, going under 10 mph, and accelerating gently. All of a sudden I hear "Grinddddd tattatttatttatttatt Grrrkkkktttkktttktttkk vshooooom clattaclattaclatta...." promptly before the engine dies, leaving me stranded in the parking lot of the Arbys, less then a piss length from my doorstep.

    So i tried to start it again...starter is spinning free.

    So, now in all its unlikelihood, we have a post mortum that any Galant fan here would not like to hear. It got towed, trusty AAA was there and I went to work (by carpooling with my girlfriends mom no less).

    The transmission ate it. New ring gear, new planet carrier, the works. No idea how this one happened, and unlike a friend pointed out, it wasn't as simple as "a leak caused the problem", no, the entire transmission imploded on itself, literally.

    So thus was problem one. We now have the closest thing to a new auto tranny in the car. Of course, we took it to AAMCO, and they don't know crap about cars, only trannies, so they couldn't figure out why it wouldn't start. From there we hauled it, only to get more bad news. It won't start because the Timing belt snapped, and ate the cover. Of course, a snapped timing belt never is good news, and upon opening the engine, we find nicked pistons and bent valves.

    Here, ignore this part. But #*($&#ing #(*&$ sakes!

    What blows about this is the fact that the person we got this car from NEVER, and I mean NEVER replaced the timing belt, and it had 104,000 miles on it! We were freakin told it got changed, what a load of crap...we also weren't warned about the transmission problems involved, or the fact that the seals were bad to begin with.

    What the &$*#

    So like, $4000 later, we'll have our car back by Friday. (Mostly) New Automatic Transmission, new Valves, seals, head gasket. Depending on the extent of metal getting smashed when the timing belt went, we may be getting new pistons and rods in the process. No idea, haven't had time to look at them myself. Oh yeah, and we're having the mechanics look at the squishy front-right quarter of the car.

    But man...our baby was sabotaged before we ever got her. People suck, and people who don't take care of their cars need to be drug out into the street and shot. I've babied that car since we got it, but this happened out of the blue, literally. We've had it back and forth to the Mitsubishi dealership and they said everything looked good.

    So how the %$(^* did this all come about?

    Blah, sorry to rant, but I needed someplace to bitch.

  2. #2
    That does suck..people DO suck too..

    maybe you should have put that $4000 on a new G-Ride?

    Hope you dont have any more unforseen problems in the future..
    2005 TGC Fantasy Football Champ III

  3. #3
    people do suck but you also gotta know to watch ur ass. i mean people can be tricky people, especially if they want money. thats y it is good to get service records and stuff when u buy a used car. also if you feel weary about it you coulda got it changed on ur own instead of standing by someone elses word. but then again maybe it was changed and it went out prematurely...

    but that does suck

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  4. #4
    Sorry to see that you are $4k in the hole before the whole mess was fixed. Actually when I read the first part when you said starter just spun, I knew it might have been the timing belt and was wondering to myself if that was the first thing you investigated. B/c obviously if engine damage was major, you should either look for another car or even drop in a new one and it would have been cheaper on labor than fixing a messed up one. That's just my experience but this is all for not as it's after the fact you've paid to fix it already.

    Well, hopefully you've learned that ppl do suck and never leave anything to speculation. Even dealers give you a bunch of B.S. b/c it's not their car that it didn't have a good service record. As a matter of fact, most dealers and mechanics will not look that closely at your timing belt to inspect it for frays or cracks in the teeth of the belt b/c that's on the underside (the side you don't see from the top). Anyway, good luck with the newly built engine and tranny.

    [size=10]<span style='color:white'>. . . .</span>

  5. #5
    whoa!!!! thats a horror story right there. My galamt came from my mom n she ran it once when there was a leak in a radiator hoes n the engine was smokin cause it was dry other then that no other horrible occurances have happened to my car

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