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Thread: need opinion on color

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  1. #1

    need opinion on color

    I'm going to get an underbody neon kit on my car and I can't decide If I should get it red or purple. Opinions would be appreciated, my galant is red BTW.

  2. #2
    Boy are you in for it. Nothing worse than asking the opinion of a bunch of different guys to help make up your mind, lol. J/K! Actually I have the same problem with my Dover White Pearl 02 ES. I finally decided to go with the blue, but in LEDs (cuz I think their kewl). They do all sorts of stuff instead of just glow, and I'm a sucker for gadgets. Basically it's all personal taste. Do you want to keep it all red and that be your theme, so to speak, or do you want an accenting color? What plans do you have in the future for graphics? Personally, I like accenting colors, as with my choice of blue. I thought about white, but the Pearl color on my car would just look dirty compared to the bright white light from under the car, and besides, who wants white neon??? You might as well just mount foglamps or something under the car, it's cheaper. How red would you go? The sorta pink looking red, or bright red? How do you think those colors are going to make the car's color look when it's on? To dark? To red? Is the purple going to make it look brown? You just never know with lighting cuz everything changes with the lighting around you. Under street lights is where you'll see it the most. Riding around without much light you normally only see the lights, but not the body color. Me I have less to worry about since it's illegal to drive with them on in Virginia. Actually it's illegal to drive a vehicle on public roads with them even installed, but you can get by with it. But anyway, it's all in what you prefer. But think about it and, yes, ask around for opinions but ultimately it's your car and you're the one who needs to be satisfied.

  3. #3
    TGC Regular
    Join Date
    If you have to ask, then you don't need to know.
    paco, do not get fuckin purple neons dammit!!!!!! just get red. no sissy colors

    ...U N D E A D...

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by knightriderXXX
    paco, do not get fuckin purple neons dammit!!!!!! just get red. no sissy colors
    yea get RED.. make sure you get LED,, them bitches comes with shii load of diff type of stuff on em.. get them.

    AkA K h O p A r I.

    I Am back BitcheZzZ

  5. #5
    i concur, go with red

    My Car

  6. #6
    red wit red match nice!

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by K h O p A r I
    Quote Originally Posted by knightriderXXX
    paco, do not get fuckin purple neons dammit!!!!!! just get red. no sissy colors
    yea get RED.. make sure you get LED,, them bitches comes with shii load of diff type of stuff on em.. get them.
    Lots of different stuff like what? I am definatlly not in the know about this. But i'm guessing you can make them strobe back in forther the length of the tube?

  8. #8
    I'd get white LED underbody lights and then put some white neons under the dash and on the backs of the front seat so the whole inside is lit up white too. IMO red lights would look REALLY tacky on a red car like yours.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by MitsuRacer
    I'd get white LED underbody lights and then put some white neons under the dash and on the backs of the front seat so the whole inside is lit up white too. IMO red lights would look REALLY tacky on a red car like yours.
    i dont see how it could be tacky as long as the instalation is good... unlike my friend with an accord with a 9' minitube ducktaped to the dash... THAT is tacky.

    My Car

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