12V Ports Blown?
So my FM Tuner fell apart in the front 12V port last night and now neither ports work. Is it possible I blew a fuse? Has anyone else had this issue?
Not in this car specifically, but a few years ago my cougar had a blown fuse. Easy enough to replace, just find out which fuse it is in your manual and buy the right one to replace it. It'll only be a few bucks
Most likely thats what happened.
Thanks for getting back to me quickly. I asked my mechanic friend and thats what he said too. Looks like its just a 10A Fuse that needs to be replaced, too bad there weren't replacement fuses for that one specifically. Hopefully that fixes it, I saw other people getting the same issue if a dime fell into the port so that's probably what it is. That'll teach me to buy a cheap FM tuner, I'm basically gonna be out $30 bucks including the cost of a new fuse and my time lol.
Theres no such thing as specific fuses. I see it all the time at the store and I think how can people be so closed minded. Its like buying bulbs, wheels, or tires you buy the size you need not a tire that is specific to any car or truck.
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