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Thread: I have a little problem ...

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  1. #1

    I have a little problem ...

    had my rims for a few months now
    the right side kept making kind of rattling noise - started doing it recently I didnt know why

    american garage looked and said that there is nothing wrong and that they checked everything, last time I was at that garage(authorized Toyo dealer + more)

    so last week I went to the uncle's to change oil, he looked and said that there is nothing wrong either

    yesterday I slipped on the highway and hit a snowbank, was pushed out, after driving off my car was shaking real bad at 40mph

    so today I called my uncle again, he looked again and found out this:
    on the bottom there are either elbow's or control arms, and its kind of loose, he said that the wheel possibly damaged it ... he has a few G's at his garage, so I went digging in snow to find a part - but it was still on the car not inside like we were hoping

    in any case, does anyone has that problem? or had that problem? the noise isnt bad, just sometimes when I go over a few bumps on a normal road - it gets worse sometimes in snow

    since yeseterday the car ran almost perfect ... but that thing really worries me and I'm wondering if there is a potential big problem or if some of you have had that problem?

    thanks for any input ...


  2. #2
    Well, which part is loose? Is it the control arm? A tie rod? Or is it the front sway bar? Either way, with parts of your suspension loose like that, you could be at risk of ruining your axle or atleast really bad tire wear.

  3. #3
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Danger DANJ)</div><div class='quotemain'>Well, which part is loose? Is it the control arm? A tie rod? Or is it the front sway bar? Either way, with parts of your suspension loose like that, you could be at risk of ruining your axle or atleast really bad tire wear.</div>

    looks to be a control arm
    my uncle had a few G's and was giving them away for parts or to junk yard, he still has 1 left so tomorrow we(me and my dad and uncle) will dig that sucker out of snow, lift it and take that part off and swap it

    my question is though, why would it come loose like that?
    its not driving axle ... that thing is mean and a real PITA :evil:

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by roman
    my question is though, why would it come loose like that?
    Well, that's the Million Dollar question. Did you hit any big pot holes? Has anyone worked on your car lately, an alignment perhaps? Maybe someone didn't tighten it back up correctly. As far as the rims possibly causing the problems, I'm not sure how they could. The only thing I can think of is that maybe you don't have the hub centric rings that go between the rims and the hub. Most, if not all, aftermarket wheels require them. Without them, the rims can cause vibrations, which in turn could make things loose.

  5. #5
    the car rans fine
    upstate NY roads truly suck, so my best guess is that thats the cause of it coming loose
    it was the part that steers the wheel, we looked more today, me and my dad dug out the other G at my uncle's, then in snow and crap we took off tire and got the part we needed
    my uncle kicks all lol I called yesterday and drove off all fixed today!
    and like usual my dad and uncle did most of the work - taking stuff off and putting it back on while I was watching and "learning"

    the car was pulling a little to the left before, now its gone, it runs perfect almost ...

    to answer that question: last time I was at a American garage they were rotating my tires, they looked and didnt find any problem while I told them that there is something wrong with left front tire

    I would blame the roads of upstate NY on this really, we have alot of railroads here and those parts are the ones that have alot of bumps and stuff ... even though I try to pick roads that don't go near them there are occasional bad stretches

    anyways thanks for the help

  6. #6
    Cool, glad to hear you got it fixed.

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