- Fuel gauge
- SRS light
- Changing brake pads
- Anyone know the code for the factory cd player?
- While Braking....
- SES light on a 2002
- Loose strut
- Paintless dent repair questions
- my battery died
- have any of you recieved this recall?
- New tire??
- Gas Milage on your 8G..
- Engine cleaning !!
- Seat Squeak
- rear speaker wires 8G galant
- Help need radio code
- new brakes??
- Anyone know where I can have my rims re-chromed?
- Noise in my door
- Very DIM headlights
- a question on brakes for Manybrew...
- gas pedal
- OBD Code P0455 Manybrews, Please help!!!
- Squeeky Brakes
- radiator
- The damn little things.....
- Engine/homemade security ??
- left side tail light does not work also odometer light does
- Problem With Turn Signal
- stock shift stalk...?
- Why is My Service Engine light on?
- ATF Filter
- Headlight Seals...Manybrews?
- I'm running rich!!!
- Breaking hubcaps...anyone have this problem?
- Galant Brakes Suck
- Auto tranny problems??
- Horn doesn't work on a new 2002
- What should I get for my Tune Up???
- Engine/Tranny Flush? Sir Manybrews?
- Battery Problems
- My coolant is draining..AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE IT IS GOING!!
- Smoking Galant
- No dont go
- New bulbs...
- plastic coating coming off
- Door rattle gone
- How many with melted headlight sockets?
- Rough Rider (Bad Idle)
- Crappy 6 disc indash changer
- Rough Rider Returns
- Galant keeps cutting out!!!
- Paint code, dents, blah blah blah...
- CF Hood problems
- Anti-Loc brake light
- Heater Control....
- More Brake Problems
- Losing Power
- Squishy breaks!!!! Please Help!!!!!
- Any suggestions on after market Brake rotors?
- Car vibrates when the rear windows are down
- ECU Software Update? Sir Manybrews?
- My car is running real sluggish now
- HEEElP!! A/C, LOCKS, R Defroster and brake lights are shot!
- windshield wipers
- My OBD2 Died :(
- Battery acid
- RPM drop
- Problem ON 8G
- cracked piece in wheel well
- Gears kinda slippin
- Problem with car or gas station?
- Leather Wrap Steering Wheel
- Brakez Squeeekking...
- Why does the steering wheel shake, while I apply the brakes?
- Where should I get my car serviced?
- Brake Vendors for 2002 galants
- Center Channel Speaker
- Anyone else have the #6 injector problem?!?!?
- Weird Noise Under Hood
- smashed window
- NO high beams...
- Trouble Code P0740
- Cracked Windshield
- My baby got hit
- Multiple Cylinder Misfires OBDII code 300
- paint problems
- Brembo Brakes install for 2002 g
- Hmmm Brake Dust.
- Hot A/C slash Radio
- Weird a$$ noise coming from drivers front!.....
- Another good question.
- Brake Update
- Are your tires loud??
- Dimmer on 8G dashboard
- Possible Brake Problem?
- Right Front Blinker Bulb.
- **all fixed**corner light mod gone very wrong
- noise from AC system
- electrical problem...help!!
- Speedometer, tachometer, odometer not working
- HELP--- SRS light is lit up
- bolt for tires
- Weird weird weird problem..
- Brake Light Problem
- Exploding Battery
- wheel bearings
- engine light still on?
- engine or transmission?
- I Can't Stop !!! Please Help
- Gas Gauge not working!!! HELP
- cross drilled slotted rotors, do they squek ?
- Rubber seals
- Damn Pasenger door lock
- no power
- Gas Gauge Unreliable?
- Suspension
- Road nastyness
- a simple question concerning my transmission system
- Gas Cap Cover Door Thingy
- Hesistating !!!
- Don't think this is right...fuel related
- Weird exhaust sound
- Stupid fog bulb
- Gauge cluster question
- Wind Noise... damn
- Brake question. Mine were squeeling the other day.
- weird whining sound
- No juice to the gauge cluster
- O2 Sensor Failure
- muffler exchange ?
- Help!!!! Rotors warped already!!
- Installed new wheels and tires but..
- Leaking Power Steering fluid
- Safe to wash the car?
- injectors clogged help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- manybrews: tuning the Galant
- unrecorded mileage
- Squeeky noise
- Headlight Bulb direction.
- Hydroplaning
- Removing spray paint
- sqweeking leather and plastic
- Engine oil pressure warning going off
- Installing new gauges
- I Need a Suggestion
- lugs STUCK...... HELP!!
- Head light Blinker
- Hissing/Flowing Noise
- Engine knock
- HELP: How do you read the ATF dipstick?
- Our MAS...
- Waterlogged
- 02 sensor relocating
- More exhaust "smoke"
- Underbody Rattling
- motor getting no fuel
- car problems
- GB brake install problem (small issue really)
- new member w/ a problem
- Zap.
- temperature needle
- Poor Fuel Economy - 2002 4 cyl
- PCM location
- Anybody ever pull the SRS/Horn
- Did the throttle body mod, sort of concerned now...
- Rear Strut assem. problem.
- SES light
- Weird Question
- stock paint question
- Primer Happy
- Ignition.
- Neone have this happen to their Galant?
- Throttle body adjustment-HELP!!
- Hole in the driver's side carpet
- accelerating inconsistency
- question about the kyb shocks,,
- More brake problems...
- gas tank problems?????
- Online Galant Service Manual
- Seatbelt light in the Cluster Panel
- i am out of ideas
- Fused Links...
- LED Spoiler Light
- HELP! get water outa headlights
- Help W/Autometer oil pressure Gauge
- Brakes, Horn and Lights( All messed up!)
- gauge lights fucked up
- Brake Light INOP
- 30k Maintenance
- backlight for temp contorl & ac
- glovebox latch
- Heavy Vibration... Anyone Else?
- Rattling door
- Do you hear lots of air in your intake manifold?
- Programming remote keyless entry?
- PEPS please HELP....Car Stalling at idle
- Rotor Direction
- kinda wierd.....
- "Service Engine Soon" light came on
- Sticky Door
- a/c smells like dirty socks
- Sunroof???
- shaking while braking
- Shaking-Motor Mount????
- suspension problem
- Tranny Problem?!
- how do i take the silver sticker.......
- cracked rear bumper...HELP
- Problems with wheel bearings and brakes
- SES Light - Manybrews--HELP!
- How do I adjust headlights??
- Squeaky engine
- I made a booboo part 2
- Problem Starting
- SES Light just came on.. car jumps and crackles
- crank sensor.....
- Sunroof sliding door
- Bubbly Engine update
- Headlight connector bad?
- Service Engine Soon Light
- TPS sensor
- car battery factory
- a/c cluster does not light up
- easy to put in window?
- Help please!!!!! Car won't Idle
- Problem... happened when installing guages
- Electrical problem with Foglight, Washer and Turn Signals
- one more for the road-dinged up again!!
- Fuseable link (in engine fuse box) - making noise/vibrates
- squewwlngish sound from engine
- Problem With Rear Driver Side Tire
- HELP!!! Distributor cap
- Tire Rub Issue for 18s
- AMSS headers...I think
- need help (turn singnal)
- SRS Light
- guys please read my last post on this update....
- Intermittent SES light
- Glove box hangs on one side
- Idiling Nightmare!