- A very bad hunch...
- A small problem
- How to turn off Daytime running lights?
- Freakin' heavy steering wheel
- squeak
- Reset the SRS indicator light on instrument panel
- 6 disc in dash changer
- Brake hard and car dies
- 05 GTS MP3 Playback Won't Work
- Key comes out of ignition while car is in drive/reverse
- GTS Sucks in the snow
- Keyless Remote Programing - 9th Gen
- 2004 galant de 4 cylinder mivec bad gas milage
- Traction control and Anti-Brake light come on while driving
- Known TSB's and Recalls?
- Clicking sound when turning
- Fix: Glove Box Gap
- Speakers
- My 9g Galant problems
- Car was flooded and shop messed some things up.......
- tranny
- tranny problem
- Water Leaking to Interior?
- ticking noises
- How to replace an EGR Valve?
- Problem list
- ses light
- won't idle
- any one else have this problem?
- 9G AC problems
- Rough Idle 06 galant 2.4 40k miles
- Rattling noise, 2004 G.
- Need some info. My rear Wheels are Butterfly
- Anti-Freeze smell
- Rear Speakers
- AC problem 9g
- OIL COVERED Spark Plugs
- funny sound some times on cold start.
- 05 galant with gage problems
- Windshield washer
- AC Rattling Noise
- Help installing rear door trim
- Electrical Issues
- Tailights
- Need parts...cant post in wanted.
- Hit a deer. Wiring damaged? No spark. Help
- Help....No Heat
- Anti-Lock (ABS) Light keeps going on and off
- oil switch
- Water Damage Please Help
- door panel gap
- engine trouble code
- Hmmm
- hid prob
- Where is the AIRBAG COMPUTER? Trying to replace the whole system.
- Oil Change
- o2 sensor locations needed
- Communcation Error
- heat and ac would go to defrost but not vent
- Idle problems
- Cruise control out
- Could it be the Vehicle Speed Sensor?
- key part# 06
- rim problem???
- immobilizer problems
- How loud is the 9G 2.4l engine supposed to be?
- Cabin air filter - '06
- Blower motor problem
- Dashboard removal
- help megan spring install
- Weird Sound When Taking Off
- Idls/Reving Problems
- Need tips on fixing a deep paint chip
- Installed HID BI-xenon. Highbeams dont work
- Bad starter? Question
- whistling noise under the hood
- Fuse box
- Rear driver side Window
- speakers crackling, popping in rain
- I think my car might be stuck in failsafe/limphome mode.. please help...
- Sound when cruising between 30-40 m/hr
- SES Light - only 22K miles
- Noise When Turning Left When AC On
- Need Window Regulator
- I gots 3 wheel steering!
- Did wiring harness, now no spark
- codes stored if check engine light goes off?
- slow/dragging starting issue
- 02 Sensor Replacement?
- Stuck Timing Belt Sprocket Bolt
- t0174
- Radiator question
- 08 galant oil leak
- Ignition Coil Packs for 05 GTS
- 04 Galant ES TCL light + tranny issues
- 04 Galant 3.8V6 ECU Problem
- wreck
- Power Problem
- annoying grinding sound
- Radio fail!
- Cv axle 04 GTS
- Outlet inside arm rest not working
- Passenger side mirror
- Auxiliary Power Problems
- AC leak, '04 ES
- Ever had this probem
- Power steering squeal
- Control arm
- P0421 error code
- Passenger turn sig and taillight out
- Tranny Fluid
- Service engine soon light on and off
- Blower Motor Pigtail (a/c)
- Interesting news about the TC light/Anti-lock brake light
- Broken Timing Belt...
- 2009 Galant immoblizer-key fob replacement
- DRL's on in ACC position
- Young lady needs help with tranny probs
- 2005 Galant Air Conditioner Problem
- brake fluid low...
- Rattle from engine in front pass side
- 2007 RA sunroof issue
- P0736 A/T Incorrect Reverse Gear Ratio (also in forward)
- 2007 Galant AC is out, again
- No power.
- sulfuric acid smell
- Factory Keyless Remote to unlock / lock doors not working
- 3rd gear question
- screen help
- broken car door handle
- Water drips onto my amp
- Help removing caliper braket
- Possible Lifter tick??
- Anyone change the rear catalytic converter before?
- Oil Pressure Light and Winding sound
- Car shakes when accelerating after lowered
- Bank 2 Sensor 2 where is that?
- Rattle from rear speakers / deck
- P0037 O2 Heater bank 1 sensor 2
- P0301
- 2004 gts 3.8l p0303
- 2004 gts P0421
- tpms light
- A Couple Problems
- Galant 09 2.4 bad -mpg_
- O2 Sensors
- Purge Valve 2004 GTS
- Starter problems
- Car won't go into gear after rolling back off jack
- AC
- Stock ABS
- Blower motor stuck on one speed and won't shut off
- pulled 14 codes
- 2010 Galant Dash Rattle
- A/C Problem with an '06
- Headlight adjustment
- Help taking the rotor holding screws!
- Very slow Acceleration and loud vibrating noises when RPM's are high on my 06
- Blinking A/C
- rattlesnake
- Scraping Noises During Acceleration
- Anyone else GTS lose a qt between oil changes?
- P0431 front cat?
- Sub short
- 2007 ralliart passenger axle support bearing
- Abs brake and battery light
- 2007 Galant a/c Condensor replacement
- Dashboard light (!)
- Driver Side window wont roll up (cant find fuse)
- serpentine belt
- halo lights
- Battery Connectors
- Door Panel Clips help?
- Accessory Outlet not working
- Foul odor in the car
- parking lights still on after DRL fix
- transmission
- trouble codes, help?
- O2 Sensor Replacement
- 2004 2.4L ES Pinging (spark knock) under load
- 2012 random alert noise no codes
- TCL off and Anti Lock lights problem
- 2004 GTS Black Paint Issues
- Driver side window problem
- Outland manifold/throttle body swap
- 04 GTS O2 Sensor Melted to Exhaust
- 2004 Galant GTS Defrost not blowing. Air is going into dash and floor.
- Radio Code "E DC"
- Rust on around tires area..advice
- 3rd Fuel Line????
- Keyless Programming
- 06 SE Wont crank/start
- intermittent electrical issues
- 05 Engine for sale
- Car died, P0301, replaced coil but still won't start
- Front stud replacement
- digital clock on 05 galant es model went off..
- Pulled 3 codes P0431, P0421, and P0401. Need to pass smog by the end of the month.
- lost my 9g key!!! I don't know what parts i need to install a new one. plz help!!!!
- Climate control temp not right, P2100, P3100, C1104.
- Quick-Strut for 2004 Galant GTS?
- overheating after radiator replacement
- Alarm issues
- 12V Ports Blown?
- Whining supercharger like sound.
- Burning Engine Oil?
- incorrect immobilizer code
- 07 Galant GTS Windshield Water Issues?
- Wiper Motor Replacement
- AC electrical problem
- 2004 Mitsubishi Galant GTS Exhaust Issues
- Starter Making noise
- brake light comes on when pushing gas pedal and shuts off.
- Shifting Sand Sound (or hiss) when turning left with AC on
- Fuse Diagram for 2008 Mitsubishi Galant ES
- Need help clearing code P1541
- Diagnostics come up with "a/c ecu fail" code 09.
- D2 RS Coilovers Question
- Rear Dome Light Problem
- 2011 galant back brakes
- Speedometer not working, accelerating weird now
- Brake light coming on?
- Front Exhaust pipe heatshield noise
- Ac makes noise
- P1544 code for 2007 mitsu galant
- Led brake light problem
- car stopped while driving and never turned on
- 99 Galant won't start need help
- P2100 Throttle Actuator Control Motor car won't accelerate normally
- Installing Fog lights?
- Irregular Misfire Mystery
- Squeal When Accelerating
- Oil pressure flickering with P0441 code
- Radio stuck
- Wobbly back end after lowering
- Cylinder head question
- Locked keys in car
- 05 galant gts 3.8
- Help! Door locks problem
- 2007 Galant ES Low Idle. 250 to 450 range
- new keys from mits galant 240m taiwan version with 4g69 engine and 3 button keys
- 2006 GTS transmission pig tail
- DTC Codes B1491 & U1073, need help fixing
- Help With A/C!
- Help with code p0141 02 sensor
- Heat won't blow hot air.
- Cruise control won't engage
- Clock/Radio Light
- SRS light on. I have few error codes.