View Full Version : Weiiiird Please HELP!!!!!

05-14-2006, 01:37 AM
Never in my life have i seen or heard of some shit like this. To make a long story short im driving home tonight and i notice my temp gauge going CRAZY... It looks like a butterfly flapping its wings. So I go to a friends house and notice that the motor is WAYYYYY HOT (enough to burn your hand on the timing belt cover bolts) It has coolant, new water pump, all the belts are new. Anyways I drove home with the heater on to draw some heat out of the engine bay and I noticed that the lights didnt flicker every once in a while when the heater fan kicks in.... So im thinking its a loose connection because the needle doesnt flicker as bad on idle as it does when im at about 2k RPM. Plus when i cut the car off and set the ignition to the "on" position without starting it the gauge goes down and back up normally without and pinging back and forth. Man I HOPE this isnt a serious issue.. Ive had nothing but problems with this car. It seems like once a month something happens to it. Im gonna go out tomorrow and check on the connections to the sensors on the thermostat housing and HOPEFULLY im right about a loose connection and if thats not it i hope someone can give me a suggestion.

Blue Ice
05-14-2006, 02:56 AM
the on;y bad thing is that you said it was extremely hot. I would also check to make sure all fluids were at preferred amount. What about the oil. Good luck. I think you're on the right track with the thermostat.

05-14-2006, 03:03 AM
the on;y bad thing is that you said it was extremely hot. I would also check to make sure all fluids were at preferred amount. What about the oil. Good luck. I think you're on the right track with the thermostat.x2...sounds like another one who needs pinoys help...the tgc master mechanic..lol

05-14-2006, 09:24 AM

make sure there isn't any air in your radiator.

05-14-2006, 12:33 PM
Well i found the cause today.. The lower temperature sensors prong snapped off and i guess the wire kept hitting the sensor causing it to flap like a butterfly.. The one off of the Mirage in my back yard looks identical i wonder if that would work.. Anyways i have pics of the one in my car and the one on the mirage.

The one on my car....

The one on the Mirage...


Blue Ice
05-14-2006, 04:09 PM
i say get a new one, and don't fool with trying to take the one of the mirage. You'll probably end up destroying the one on the mirage just to get it off.

05-14-2006, 05:15 PM
i agree get a new one. the mirage one probably will work though. i did some cross referencing and for some brands the part numbers did match but the one your mirage has does look pretty old so you might do more harm than good trying to get it out.

05-14-2006, 07:03 PM
Yea.. I didnt take the cheap route.. I bought another one for 8 bucks.. And i found out that i didnt overheat the engine.. I guess i figured they should be cold but its normal temp because my moms mirages puts out about the same amount of heat at normal temperature as mine does.. But thanks guys for the help and replies.. The mods can lock this