View Full Version : gauge LED's

10-05-2007, 09:51 PM
so all the electronics in my car are red.... my stereo buttons are red, my ch is red...

BUT MY GAUGES ARE WHITE..... or whatever color they could be considered..... but ide like to make it red..... how do i do this ? i read something about switching the bulbs to led lights... but i couldnt find it again (i tried the search :|) i was wondering if anyone could shed some light on this...

is there a clear paint i can put over the back of the gauges ? or if someone had the info about switching the lights, that'd be great...


10-05-2007, 10:06 PM
i just have red bulbs in my cluster....idk what the 7G is like but there are about 5 158/163? (not sure exactly on the size), but small bulbs that mount behind the displays
*edit...I just got some more bulbs today, 194 is what I used

give that a try

there is also the LED mod which I have seen and read up on, but since I don't know the details all that well I'll let someone else grace you with their knowledge and advice