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View Full Version : Erebuni sideskirts install (Quick reply needed)

04-10-2008, 12:12 PM
I'm trying to install these sideskirts:
I know plenty of you guys on here have those. Now here is my question. At the top of each sideskirt, there's a piece which seems like should go under the doors, in the door seam, but it prevents me from installing the skirts. Did ya'll cut this piece off to make the install possible or is there a way to get it done without cutting? I'd love to post up a picture, but I'm not at home at this moment, and I really need some assistance asap. Thanks!

04-10-2008, 01:40 PM
Smart advice = > if you let a body shop remove the doors you can have it slipped in.
Ghetto advice => Some folks cut a small section under where the door jam meets.

or cut section, then mold it. There are many ways to this. What's best is up to you***

*** I approve this advice just in case Chip jumps me. :)

04-10-2008, 08:14 PM
Done. Mods lock this please.