View Full Version : two holes

01-10-2003, 10:45 AM
i have these two holes in my front bumper (where the jackass who had the car before me put this license plate holder) i wanna get rid of them. ANybody have any suggestions. I went to the dealer to see if they have any caps and the guy said to just put some screws on there and paint the screws. anybody have any other suggestions?

Nick VR4
01-10-2003, 10:50 AM
if you can get behind the bumper use tape and then fill with resin or body filler
Once dry sand down and paint to match

01-10-2003, 11:11 AM
u know i dont mean to put any mitsu dealrs down,but they almost never try to help u in any way..the only time they ever give a damn is whn u go to buy the car......after that its like they dont care....theres many times i go to the dealership to ask for the mos minor stuff and they keep me waiting there as if no oneis interested in helping u.....i would think they would of made a better suggestion rather than put screws ad paint them