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View Full Version : Stupied Head liner!!!

07-16-2008, 07:44 PM
MY head liner keeps falling down and i keep re gluing it. It started out as a small little bubble and within this week it became about two feet long. So i pulled the fabric down so i could spray some glue in and fix it, stayed up for a day and started to fall down again. Yesterday i did the same thing and re glued all the fallen spots and yet again today the same thing has happened. Im going to have to buy new fabric and redo the whole thing but the foam has started to come off, which really sucks. How can i fix this thing with out it coming back down and with it still being soft. Errr its just getting really annoying that it keeps falling down and now the glue has started to show through the fabric. I just need some guidance on this and the best way to attack the problem.

07-16-2008, 07:58 PM
i would replace it with new cloth personally, make sure you use a nice glue and plenty of it something like super 77 should do the trick

07-16-2008, 08:03 PM
But what about the foam that has completly come off? And where should you reccomend getting new fabric? I would like to get some fabric that is close to the same color or a gray.

07-16-2008, 08:20 PM
headliner fabric has foam already with it.

07-16-2008, 08:27 PM
Kool but i have no idea where i can buy some headliner fabric lol.

07-16-2008, 09:17 PM
pepboys, autozone.....

I redid mine once with red fabric, but now I msick of it and Im gonna change it to black.

07-16-2008, 10:28 PM
you could for a temp soulution do velcro strips

07-16-2008, 10:36 PM
If you want a easy fix (not best visually)Wally world has head liner pins in auto section. They have a spiral looking pin with clear plastic heads. There are on clearance now for $2 a pack.

07-16-2008, 10:38 PM
I found a site online that sells do it yourself headliners. Going to go with one of those and redo the whole thing! Its 41 bucks and you get the 3m tacky 77 with it. Plus free shipping

07-16-2008, 10:42 PM
Maybe the glue is not having a chance to dry?

Do you turn the headliner cloth side up on the ground and let the glue dry before you put it back in the car? If it isn't cured all the way, the weight of the cloth could pull the glue apart...

07-16-2008, 11:19 PM
I did mine last weekend in my Volvo, only had one can of 3M, it fell yesterday. I shot like 30 staples in it, did some beige touch up paint, you can barely tell.

07-17-2008, 08:15 PM
I found a site online that sells do it yourself headliners. Going to go with one of those and redo the whole thing! Its 41 bucks and you get the 3m tacky 77 with it. Plus free shipping

walmart has headliner fabric, so does the auto parts store. and the fabric store too. if you can't find any headliner fabric locally, you probably aren't looking hard enough.

07-17-2008, 09:50 PM
havent looked locally yet. I did find some on the internet though for around 40 bucks shipped.

Also im just spraying the glue while the headliner is in the car. What i think is why it wont stay is because it has been about 90 degrees here this past week and im thinking that the extreme heat that we are having is keeping the glue soft. Plus my windows are usually closed. Ill order some new fabric off the internet and redo it one weekend.

08-09-2008, 11:59 PM
Oh yea i forgot about this post. I did redo my head liner, i got some fabric from wal-mart it only coast me $3.25 for three yards of black fabric.

I redid it a couple weeks ago with some 3m glue, i came out looking pretty good, reinstalled it the same day, it stayed up all night.
The next morning i go out there and it fell down again, so i ripped it out again, and since i bought three yards i had enough to try this again, so my cousin and I cut the fabric out and he came up with the idea to use elmers glue, yes this was not something that i would have thought of, so i sanded the head liner down to get all of the old foam off of the cardboard, ( If there is still foam from the old fabric, you need to remove it, the best way is to scrape if off and then to sand it down.) So after it was all sanded down and had a smooth feel we started to apply some elmers glue, got a nice amount on the cardboard and used a paint stir stick to spread it around evenly to insure that there would be no lines showing through the fabric.

To let the glue dry i left the headliner in my basement for a week, ( Dehumidifier going the whole time, and glue dried really well) pulled the thing up last week Saturday and put it back in, its been a full week with no problems. To my amazement the elmers glue tick worked really well.

So if anyone has to do this remove old foam, and to get the fabric to stay up use some elmers glue just make sure that you coat it on the cardboard evenly.

08-17-2008, 04:41 PM
where do you buy the glue at? walmart? pepboys?

08-17-2008, 05:55 PM
whenever i do a headlinner ii always leave it out all night and i stack books on it to make sure it sticks, never had a problem doing it that way...