View Full Version : Question about my new wheel??

06-03-2009, 02:59 AM
I have 2001 galant gtz (never change suspension) and i just buy a ADR-82 m sport (18x7.5 5x100/114.3 +48 Hyper Silver A8275810H48HS)

the question is the offset +48 which i bought are too big for my car (wheel come out on the side and scrape car when big jump). if i buy again +43 will it good to fix in to my car??

option 2 is my new tire 225/40-18 can fix in to 18x7 wheel. (i like the tire bigger than wheel because i allway hit soulder when i park)

option 3 if i downgrade to 17" what kind of wheel size and tire size should i choose??

06-03-2009, 03:10 AM
That is strange that you are rubbing with such a high offset especially with your width at stock ride height, are you sure your wheels are +48
Your tire size will work but you should really post some pictures of your car so we can see what's going on. I assume you're rubbing on the fenders when you say scrape, but I just can't see with your width, offset, ride height and tire combination how you're rubbing.

06-03-2009, 04:06 AM
he riding with FAT girls

06-03-2009, 04:17 AM
he riding with FAT girls

Then he needs a "no fat chicks... will rub" sticker

06-03-2009, 07:48 AM
are you rubbing in the front or the rear?

+48 offset shouldnt have you sticking out past your fenders. My wheels are 8" wide, +48 offset, 235/35 tire and it does not stick out past the fender. Im also slammed on 1 finger gap in the front and no gap in the rear and I still do not rub.

going +43 is the opposite of what you want to do. it would push the wheels 5mm further OUT. the offset you would want is +53 to have it sit 5mm away from the inner fender. Then theres the possiblity of you rubbing on your inner suspension because your offset is too high

Going to a 18x7 wheel with the same +48 offset and using the same 225/40 tire will be the exact same thing as using the 18x7.5 wheel. Its your tire thats rubbing on the fender. not the wheel.