View Full Version : Tranny Oil Level question

02-16-2010, 12:42 PM
I checked my tranny oil level today and noticed that the oil level is about half an inch higher than the | HOT | marker, almost up to the triangular notch on the dip stick. This is the first time I actually checked the level since buying the Galant 2 months ago.

Is it bad or is it just ok?

The reason I checked the fluid level is that Im having hard shifts during cold starts which seem to smoothen out once the engine goes to normal operating temps.

Oil color is redish and seems clean/clear

2000 Galant ES 2.4L


02-16-2010, 01:04 PM
Do you have the factory service manual? I dont have it in front of me, but I recall you have to check the oil when the car is hot, and shift the tranny into Neutral while the ebrake is up. Check the manual for the correct procedure to check the tranny oil level

02-16-2010, 04:03 PM
qnz, Yes I followed the manual exactly and thats the level I got. I guess I have to siphon out until its lowered to the | HOT | level.