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View Full Version : 2010 Corona BBQ Picks!

06-27-2010, 07:40 PM
Hey Fellas I'g just like to thank everyone for being open and welcoming. I'm a Noob to the whole car thing and I really am eager to learn. It was nice meeting you guys that have been helping me in person. My friend Joe had a good time. We would of stayed longer but he had to babysit his sisters tonight and i live like 50 minutes away.. haha... So Guys, Thanks for all your help on the forums, and for being or trying to be nice and welcoming to me disregarding My inexperience. I had a Good time.. Saw some really inspiring Galants and met some cool people. Next time My bud WILL bring his camaro. He totally regreted it.. haha. But anyways.. Here are the picks i was able to snatch with the little amount of time i was present. And next time.. I will Catch you Proto!.. haha.. I heard I missed you by like an Hour. Was looking forward to meeting you and seeing your car in person. You have been a great help.. Everyone HAs.. haha.. Ok.. The Pics!

If the Liscence pLates are an issue.. Let me know .. and i will remove them until i find time to blur em out...





















06-27-2010, 07:53 PM
we had one really good meet.corona was awsome. I'm glad I went

06-27-2010, 07:57 PM


06-27-2010, 08:12 PM
Haha thanks for the ass crack shot while I was working on strut tower bar

Haha that lambo was being pulled over the cop was checking inside the vehicle sorry for the crappy cell pics good day.

06-27-2010, 08:33 PM
Glad i went 2 this meet finally got 2 meet a few ppl in TGCNY/NJ now i have an idea of who evry1 iz & ^^ thanx again 4 helpin me out wit the strut bar

06-27-2010, 08:37 PM
Brians car looks so sick.

06-27-2010, 08:44 PM
yea its a real beast his engine bay is so clean its like a dream seein it up close lol

06-27-2010, 08:50 PM

Haha that lambo was being pulled over the cop was checking inside the vehicle sorry for the crappy cell pics good day.

Thats funny. by the time I went home, I was on the service road, I see traffic stopped on all 3 lanes on the highway and the lambo being loaded onto a flatbed.

06-27-2010, 08:51 PM
yeah it was sick. If you wasn't there you have no idea what you missed

06-27-2010, 08:55 PM
Thanks for comin out everyone. Wanna give props to DangerDANJ and Mr.Bishi for bringing the grill and cooking the food for everyone. Being the grillman is a thankless job. Everyone wants food from you, and you get no tips for the service. Lol.

Thanks to Stewi, Mr.Bishi, and skylineG1 for bringing the food. Brian, I said i would toss you a few bucks but didnt get a chance to before you left, so I'll get you next time.

Everyone was generous with bringing stuff. Drinks and Ice was in big demand tho. Next time, we'll plan for more drinks.

Hope everyone made it home safe

06-27-2010, 08:59 PM
just got home...turned out the fuse for the fogs melted somehow so i pulled over at a gas station and fixed it on the way home. it was a scorcher today. it wouldnt have been so bad but it was too damn humid.

overall great time as usual though. looks like flloyd bennet field is next on the list

06-27-2010, 09:03 PM
Thats funny. by the time I went home, I was on the service road, I see traffic stopped on all 3 lanes on the highway and the lambo being loaded onto a flatbed.

haha I figured someone else would see it. There was also a boat that ripped the hitch off an SUV I saw being hooked up to a tow truck. My drive home sucked.

06-27-2010, 09:05 PM
Thanks for comin out everyone. Wanna give props to DangerDANJ and Mr.Bishi for bringing the grill and cooking the food for everyone. Being the grillman is a thankless job. Everyone wants food from you, and you get no tips for the service. Lol.

Thanks to Stewi, Mr.Bishi, and skylineG1 for bringing the food. Brian, I said i would toss you a few bucks but didnt get a chance to before you left, so I'll get you next time.

Everyone was generous with bringing stuff. Drinks and Ice was in big demand tho. Next time, we'll plan for more drinks.

Hope everyone made it home safe

haha I thought 8x 2 liters would be enough with 5 10lbs bags of ice. lol 64 servings of soda is nothing to the TGCNY crew I guess :)

Mr. Bishi
06-27-2010, 09:15 PM
I just got home I hung out at the Guyana day get together for a bit after.

I had a great time guys, and gals, When I got home i took a nice long cold shower now i am sitting in the A.C watching world cup on my DVR. Hope we do this again soon

06-27-2010, 09:21 PM
alrdy cnt w8 for the next meet

06-27-2010, 09:24 PM
Chris and I were talking about a possible Jackson Cove meet in CT. Jeff said he is down for late july and early-mid august. Let me know how you guys feel. There are 2 bbqs there already along with a nice parking lot and picnic tables so more than 5 people can sit.


Thats jackson cove.

Drew Roman Matt and a few NE guys were at the last Jackson Cove meet and I enjoyed it.

06-27-2010, 09:26 PM
had a great time too guys. Yeah Aaron you can get me next time, a few people forgot to get me (you know who you are!!!) but it was a good turnout and a good time. Thanks again to Mr. Bishi and DANJ for cooking, I cooked a few times in the past and I know it sucks.

06-27-2010, 09:28 PM
had a great time too guys. Yeah Aaron you can get me next time, a few people forgot to get me (you know who you are!!!) but it was a good turnout and a good time. Thanks again to Mr. Bishi and DANJ for cooking, I cooked a few times in the past and I know it sucks.

Kwame seems at home at a grill lol any time I see him grilling with a beer in his hand he just seems to be enjoying himself.

But yes thanks for cooking guys.

06-27-2010, 09:33 PM
Jackson Cove looks interesting

Mr. Bishi
06-27-2010, 09:37 PM
Kwame seems at home at a grill lol any time I see him grilling with a beer in his hand he just seems to be enjoying himself.

But yes thanks for cooking guys.

Lol, yea man I love to grill, i'll cook anytime for you guys.

Jackson cove does look interesting, would love to throw my fishing rod a couple of time into that River or lake and see what comes out =)

06-27-2010, 10:08 PM
you serious only one 7g in new york but great picks love that big ass piping for the turbo

06-27-2010, 10:12 PM
Had a great time once more.

06-27-2010, 10:20 PM
you serious only one 7g in new york but great picks love that big ass piping for the turbo

Galanttuner10 is our resident 7G from CT lol

06-27-2010, 10:27 PM
i should just come and live over there so its better what you think

06-27-2010, 10:34 PM
How far is Jackson Cove from Mass?

06-27-2010, 10:34 PM
thanks for cooking . Me and the guys I brought enjoy themselves . I told them to bring money.to chipp in . I'm glad I see everyone in person. Galanttuner is the local 7 gen guy.i wish I could of brought my 6 gen. I hoped everyone enjoyed the codiments I brought

06-27-2010, 10:54 PM
I had a great time guys. Thanks to Mr. Bishi, stewi, Skyline1, and DangerDANJ for cooking the best food :D
I'm waiting for Proto to send me the pics so I can upload them, forgot my camera :lol:

06-27-2010, 10:56 PM
well when im in the army i ll be living in CT for a little bit i bring my car too

06-27-2010, 11:12 PM
I think you should pick up a newer 7g warren.

06-27-2010, 11:44 PM
drew all I got to say is thank god . you got a good sense of humor. Lol

06-28-2010, 12:11 AM
Galanttuner10 is our resident 7G from CT lol

i was at this meet 3 years ago lol, with 4 other 7g's too

i would of loved to make it again but the car is in no condition for a 650 mile round trip

glad you guys all had a great time!

06-28-2010, 12:27 AM
its all good man ull make it again another time. besides doesnt someone wanna do an ocean city meet??? much closer for you and i will drive down

06-28-2010, 01:30 AM
its all good man ull make it again another time. besides doesnt someone wanna do an ocean city meet??? much closer for you and i will drive down

still 250 mile trip lol. it's 3 hours one way. but i'm down

btw is that all the pics?

06-28-2010, 02:52 AM
we have way more pics that reggie is going to send to drew then we will post them

06-28-2010, 09:19 AM
I'm working on the OC meet details but it'll be late July/early August. I'll get the pics up in a few minutes.

06-28-2010, 09:37 AM

Danger DANJ
06-28-2010, 11:05 AM
Thanks guys for appreciating the cooks. I didn't mind doing it. It just sucked that it was so hot. Props definitely go out to Mr. Bishi and Stewi though for bringing all that food. All I did was bring a grill and some charcoal.

I'm curious why everyone left so early? We usually hang out until it's dark and the cops start rolling through the park and asking people to leave. Was it because it was a Sunday and people had to work today? The last 3 standing were Mr. Bishi, Qnz and myself.

06-28-2010, 11:48 AM
i thought evry1 was leavin dats why i left otherwise i would of stayed longer

06-28-2010, 12:02 PM

Is it me or do your headlights looks kinda off ?

06-28-2010, 12:31 PM
i left with my ride lol, damn yiou guys tho, being at a meet makes me miss my galants....who knows, Galant number 8 might be in the future lmao

06-28-2010, 04:12 PM
had a great time too guys. Yeah Aaron you can get me next time, a few people forgot to get me (you know who you are!!!) but it was a good turnout and a good time. Thanks again to Mr. Bishi and DANJ for cooking, I cooked a few times in the past and I know it sucks.

next time put a coffee can next to the grill and charge for it lol dollar a dog and dollar a burger is not bad lol.

06-28-2010, 04:15 PM
hey guys it was a lot of fun. and dont worry jills mom is doing fine!

06-28-2010, 04:15 PM
what you mean a newer one that one work whenever its happy

06-28-2010, 07:28 PM
Looked like fun! The Galants are looking good guys!

06-28-2010, 07:58 PM
I only left when I did because I had to work at 6am. That and my garage was a total disaster since I was pulling out all the stops to finish the car it was a mess, I spent an hour cleaning it when I got home so that I could fit the car back inside.

06-28-2010, 08:04 PM
I would like to thank Danj and Mr. Bishi for all their cooking as well. I had a great time as always. Danj we cut out early as my wife had to meet up with someone that she did freelance graphic work for. I think the fact that it was on a Sunday also made others leave earlier then they would have had it been on a Saturday

06-28-2010, 08:26 PM
I had left a little early because there was no way in hell I wanted to get lost in the dark lol! Didn't get home until 11:30 anyway. Had to get up at 6am for work so it worked out fine.

This was a good meet, just in a wayy to crowded area for my tastes.

06-28-2010, 08:31 PM
That park is usually empty. We just had the misfortune of picking the same day the cultural festival was going down

06-28-2010, 08:38 PM
That park is usually empty. We just had the misfortune of picking the same day the cultural festival was going down

cultural something thats for sure lol!! Well at least we were able to line up the cars for the most part.

06-29-2010, 03:41 AM
Is it me or do your headlights looks kinda off ?

Yeaa.. they were being held by scotch tape.. Just finished mounting the bumper in time for meet up.. got into an accident... i fiberglassed the rest of the body though...

I Just got my New PROJECTORS in the Mail TOdaY.. YAY!

Danger DANJ
07-01-2010, 01:16 PM
That park is usually empty. We just had the misfortune of picking the same day the cultural festival was going down
One year it was even worse because we happened to have the BBQ the same day as the Puerto Rican Day Parade and the park was filled beyond capacity. lol.

07-02-2010, 11:52 AM
G's are looking fresh. That’s great that TGC NYC had a lots of fun. Hopefully I’m in for the next meet and help out with more drinks and ice.