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View Full Version : o2 sensor stuff

05-17-2011, 12:38 PM
I'm trying to figure out what to do for tuning, I've started collecting parts and am now to the point where I need to decide if I'm going to go with a cheap safc and the stock narrowband o2 sensor, or if I need to spend the money and go with a good tuning setup.

If I go wideband, I'd like to just get the zeitronix sensor, and use a maft gen 2 for tuning (because of the awesome wideband tracking that it has). The thing I'm trying to figure out is do I need an entire wideband kit (like the zt-2 which has the wideband controller and gauge)? Or can I simply wire up my wideband sensor to my Maft 2 and data log with that? thanks for the help.

05-17-2011, 05:52 PM
its not only the zetronix thats capable of real time data transfer. I got a PLX wideband which is capable of doing that too. If you get Maft Gen2 and the wideband box (w/o the gauge) you can just monitor the AFRs on the Maft screen. You'd save around $50-70 for the gauge

05-20-2011, 02:16 PM
okay sweet, well i know I need to do wideband and the plx kit looks great.

So with the Maft gen 2, can I set it up for datalogging to a laptop or something? Or is it only the Maft Pro that does this?