View Full Version : Black or white primer

06-04-2011, 12:00 AM
I'm going to paint my jdm grille and I wanted to know if I should use black or white primer. When I did the grille mod I used white primer and it was brighter than the rest of the car. My paint code is P88.

06-04-2011, 01:29 AM
yes, there are black or white primer. and the primier will never match the paint of your car.

06-04-2011, 09:58 AM
yes, there are black or white primer. and the primier will never match the paint of your car.

Yes I know this but I what meant was should I use white or black primer for my paint to match my car?

06-06-2011, 01:55 AM
i think whaet he is trying to say is that when he painted over the white primer the paint was really bright so should he use black primer this time so it wont be so bright? Correct me if im wrong

06-06-2011, 02:17 AM
I'm not a paint expert and I've never attempted paint-matching, so I can't tell you which primer to use. But I do know that there is also a light gray primer, which I have used in the past.

06-06-2011, 06:45 AM
i think whaet he is trying to say is that when he painted over the white primer the paint was really bright so should he use black primer this time so it wont be so bright? Correct me if im wrong

Yup, this is what I was trying to say.

06-06-2011, 07:05 AM
Get this stuff called Duplii-Color adhesion Promoter from NAPA. It's a clear primer and it will also make your paint stick better so it won't chip against the harsh weather, since u say you are painting your grill. That stuff should work w/o making your paint brighter than the rest since it's a clear primer

08-08-2011, 03:48 PM
not sure what color you are painting your car but look at it like this........rules of thumb we use in the body shop......... if your car is white use a white primer since your using a spray can primer its a little harder to tint the primer ....if your car is on the darker colar lets say silver,darker tans, reds and blues use a grey primer if it is closer towards real dark to black use a black primer .........now if you are using your primer in a cup gun that gets a lil more difficult but can be done easily id be better to give you advice on what tint to use if you had a pic of the car or your hood

08-09-2011, 05:59 PM
when you paint the part it will never match the rest of the car even if the car was only a year old. Your cars paint is fadded so the only way to get it to match is to blend that can be done by mixing the color to do the painting after the patch is sprayed you then begin useing some of the paint and 50% clear and sparying a larger area and so on its like getting a fade.