View Full Version : Reverse Glo Gauges

04-07-2003, 03:08 PM
:twisted: I'm not sure if anyone is aware but
www.procarparts.com has rev glo gauges cheaper than anywhere I've seen. I have a Galant 00' and I got
part #MIT-GAL-9901-SVGL-XXXX-RVGX for $45 (not incl shipping)
That particular gauge comes with a dial to brighten or dim the light on the gauge and a switch that you can change the color to blue or green.
It was easy to install for me, I just followed the How To Tutorial. You'll need a power wire going to your battery but I'm sure most of us have a system, alarm and remote start so I had a power wire already running up under my ignition. I just tapped into that and connected to ground wire to a screw and bingo....Rollin. :twisted:

04-07-2003, 03:22 PM
http://www.procarparts.com/store/displayde...-SVGL-XXXX-RVGX ('http://www.procarparts.com/store/displaydetails.cfm?pid=MIT-GAL-9901-SVGL-XXXX-RVGX')


not bad... these are silver faced reverse halo's. look pretty good although not as detailed as the AC/GDI version but are half the price. good find.

04-07-2003, 03:34 PM
Ahhhh I took the needles off, put them over top of the existing and then recalibrated the needles. So I have the light from the existing and the new gauges making the gauges very detailed. When my friend gets back into town take some digital camera pics and post em to show you; bcause they look much better than the pic above.

04-07-2003, 03:57 PM
I wanna get these also they on ebay
you got any pics installed

my ac technic are on the way out

Jens Galant
04-08-2003, 11:08 AM
heres pics of my halos i got them off ebay about 5 months or so ago

i know they anit the best pics but u getthe idea

04-12-2003, 02:29 AM
Yes I am very happy with the ones I got off ebay as well. The same exact ones as above. Really nice and you can usually get them cheaper.