View Full Version : Needed Maintenance

01-18-2012, 03:44 PM
Well I'm finally getting my "G" back on the road after two years of not running...
My Question is for the Automotive majors and the "respectable" gear heads...
Being that i'm putting it back on the road from being out of commission for so long, what should i check for and what needs replacing... Mainly the stuff in the engine bay...I have the money to do so now, so it would be nice that my community could come to my aid... I don't want to be the next guy who has to give up his love for the 8G... She's my lady... I'm striving to keep this alive...

P.S. My Condolences to Zobgel's "G", The snow Is the worst offender to "G's"

Remember, I'm coming from here:


01-18-2012, 03:54 PM
Has the car been sitting because the engine doesn't work or its been sitting because you chose to not let it run?

If the engine does work, id change the oil and put the highest quality of gas you can get in for the first cycle. Spark plugs might be fouled so check on that. An overall tune up is pretty much required.

Are you going to be changing the parts yourself or have a shop do it? Either way, best of luck.

01-18-2012, 04:05 PM
I'll do it myself cuz my steppops is a mechanic, but with my overseeing.... The car hasn't ran because I had an accident and as you can see the taillight was f'd up and cops was trying to ticket me for that...
Basically i didn't have money to do the immense work at the time...
Plus the 20% tints where not helping the money situation...