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View Full Version : TGC Cookie Cutter?

03-03-2012, 06:43 PM
What is with TGC lately? If anyone varies from the standard JDM front or US with eBay lip, lowering springs and wheels they're immediately trashed. Why is this all of a sudden such a common occurrence? Where is the originality this site once had?

Is there now a template that all members of TGC must follow? As someone with a good sized collection of infractions was this a secret decision in some zone of the site I'm prohibited from?

I can't act like I'm an innocent bystander, I'm guilty of being more of a douchebag than almost anyone on this site, but I was always a douchebag, and my stance on things has always had a consistent perspective. Lately though, people that used to claim they would not follow any of the 'trends' are some of the harshest critics of those who vary from the trends.

What happened to modifying one's car for one's self? Is that a lost art or are the desires of all members of TGC exactly the same? When I first joined this site in late 2008, I could likely the count the number of people with each JDM front on one hand and outside of S-Line/Cali, no one had the Vogue lip. A couple people had Liberal grills, a larger number had the world-spec tails. Now its probably easier to count the number of people without one of those things than those with them.

Has modding cars shifted from something you do for you to something you do for the approval of some random dudes on the internet? Why not do something that will get you made fun of on the forums if you like it? The next few parts I'm about to buy for the Fit will likely garner a huge amount of flaming but you know what? Each time I see/use them, I'm going to be like: “Fck yeah, this is rad” and that matters a lot more than getting +5 internet cool points.

Just a little side note, what's with the sudden gushing over the 8gB front? When I joined, and really up until the last 3 months, that has been the black sheep of the Galant world, even more so than body kits (IMO) and now it seems like people with other fronts want to convert to it, or if they have the 8gB front they don't want to mess with it?

Now please note, I'm not trying to act though I'm not guilty of being a dick to people who do things that I see/saw as stupid, however if some one's car is world's cooler than mine ever was/is/will be, I'm not going to scold them for not doing things exactly as I'd do them. My distaste was also often directed at the choice of poor quality/replica parts, not necessarily at their choice of that modding direction in general.

I also am not saying my car was original, it was far from it. It was what I wanted though, a car that looked like it had some special sport package from the factory, and I feel I executed that to a T.


I hope this is coherent, but its likely not, and IDGAF at this point.

03-03-2012, 07:33 PM
Completely coherent and completely agree. Why follow everyone else? That's why I generally have the only Legnum at car shows in amongst Subies and Evos :) I mod how I like and a lot of people don't like it, but really IDGAF and I will keep doing it as I like it, not to follow the trends of what's popular.

03-03-2012, 07:42 PM
funny story, I started modding my Galant specifically because I never heard of anyone else modding them (this is pre Cardomain, pre Galanttuners, pre everything), I will still never follow any trends with modifying in terms of styling, performance is a different story for me as there is a finite number of drop in engines I can use, I'll just use a known shortblock thank you very much, everything else will be my own
you modify a car to make it your own, by definition, you should never have to fit into a mold

03-03-2012, 07:59 PM
no cookie cutter my way ill always be riding on my 20s. till the tranny hits the floor

03-03-2012, 08:24 PM

blue8G i tip my hat to you .
My project is YardDog cause i bought it from my sister when she said she was junkin it for $50 :)i had been trying for 7 years to get thi car off her and i only got it cause she killed it .
so i mod my car with whatever i can get my hands on and will be an improvent i got burned for my t25 but im like shit it was free and it make more boost than an air filter.
So i agree completely with above statements

people gotta focus. We are all car enthusiasts we just like/can afford different parts

but we got a lot to offer each other
and thats what a .org is about an orginization


P.S. > Blue8G > i like my estrellas and when i can afford wheels i'm getting the same wheels in 17" i got those off a crx at the yard for the tires .

and again real sh*t

03-03-2012, 08:58 PM
I clicked on this link thinking someone made a cookie cutter in the shape of a Galant and I was gonna buy one

03-03-2012, 08:58 PM
who gives a fuck.
its the internet bro.

03-03-2012, 09:01 PM
I clicked on this link thinking someone made a cookie cutter in the shape of a Galant and I was gonna buy one


who gives a fuck.
its the internet bro.

You're acting as though I spent some significant amount of time typing this up, bro.

This was 3 minutes of putting off writing a research paper.

03-03-2012, 09:02 PM
I agree with what you are saying Cody. Your are going to hate me for this but ever since seeing uncle paulies car I want a prefacelift bumper with a facelift grill to me it seems sooooo sexy

03-03-2012, 09:33 PM
I just like the jdm look =)

I clicked on this link thinking someone made a cookie cutter in the shape of a Galant and I was gonna buy one

haha I did the same thing!

03-03-2012, 10:14 PM

You're acting as though I spent some significant amount of time typing this up, bro.

This was 3 minutes of putting off writing a research paper.

I just like how you downplay how much you actually sat there and thought out this entire post, every response that may be posted, and some how are thoroughly happy that it seems to have accomplished something.

Don't forget who consistently lets most things go here (me), and after YOU asked me to let you back, and I did. Are you telling me I should not have be so nice and understanding?

I'm really still unsure why so many folks who've since migrated to other websites seem to have such a vendetta for TGC. Especially considering some of the folks who run these other websites sought to quite literally sabotage TGC, its community base, and its actual server operation (Reggie). But what would you know about what has gone on behind closed doors...you wouldn't.

All you would have heard is the bad from numerous people that can't handle the real reasons they aren't here anymore, and you know what...TGC is better off. It was never a tech-only oriented site. Do you realize that eventually with the size of something things change? Users change, people move on, cars get sold, wrecked. As such the entire website goes through changes, all the time.

Not to mention most 9G Galants are still taking near $10k or better used. And our beloved 8G even the newest ones are near 10 years old now. How many are left in the hands of people that cared for them like your had for your blue Galant? Not many. Even worse with C3G or even C4G, no one wants the Eclipse anymore, it is old, outdated, antiquated machinery.

But lets let all that go...

As for the multitude of JDM-ness well, you do remember Cali helped produce reproduction bumpers that most of those people have, or can go to Cali and still purchase right?

The shear desire to have what not many others have is what drives any automotive related business. That is why I'd originally bought the BFG KDW2s, to this day, I believe the only other people who'd ever bought those besides me was IcedOut.

You know you GAF, otherwise you wouldn't have posted...

03-03-2012, 10:24 PM
I'm not sure how you think that was an attack on TGC itself in anyway? This is a commentary on some of the membership, not a reflection on the staff or any of their actions. And I'm not sure what the middle section of your post is all about?

That is true, but is it necessary for everyone to hop on the JDM bandwagon? I can give specific examples of people saying they'd never do those cookie cutter mods to their car and now tell every new member to do just that.

And the 3 minutes comment was not trying to downplay something, that's how long it took.

03-03-2012, 10:52 PM
Things change, what else can I say?

03-04-2012, 01:30 AM
Isn't it the same across import forums, like Honda EK for example. If it isn't JDM or SiR it's out. A dude will get flamed for projector headlights because they aren't JDM Stanleys...

Matter fact, this goes on at my buddys shop day in and day out. Dudes will come in with a buddy to drop off his car and they bash him in-front of me and the owner for altezzas, a bodykit and projectors.

I too thought you made "T" "G" "C" Cookie cutters Cody, I would have bought a set.....Damn! LOL!

03-04-2012, 04:29 AM
what are you talking about? everything you just wrote was utter bs. do you not get enough attention in real life?

03-04-2012, 05:46 AM
I clicked on this link thinking someone made a cookie cutter in the shape of a Galant and I was gonna buy one
LOL. Me too, guess I am hungry. Thought was gonna be able to make some galant shaped pancakes next weekend.

03-04-2012, 06:39 AM
So I'm not alone in thinking some delicious cookies were about to be had......

I say do you, your car, your cash, your vision. Be safe, have fun!

Now I want some snickerdoodles....

03-04-2012, 08:03 AM
so this isnt a groupbuy for some tgc cookie cutters?

03-04-2012, 08:06 AM
so this isnt a groupbuy for some tgc cookie cutters?

Sadly, no. :(

03-04-2012, 08:30 AM


03-04-2012, 08:59 AM
I think this is a great idea...im going to look into the cookie cutters :)

03-04-2012, 09:15 AM
Lol I'll totally buy the cookie cutters Now I want cookies.

* Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk <3 *

03-04-2012, 09:16 AM
I think this is a great idea...im going to look into the cookie cutters :)

I'll buy some!

03-04-2012, 09:20 AM
BLUE I HAVE TO AGREE, ill mod my car the way I want it. Why would I want to pay 300$ for a Cai when I can get one for 30$ on eBay and still perform the same, its just pipe with a filter,

I'm abit anoyed about not getting any rep at all because I don't have jdm parts, duck jdm

It's a bloody trend with the old timers on here mainly, they dont like what you did to your car unless its jdm,

Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk

03-04-2012, 10:20 AM


wat. I could not decipher any of this.

what are you talking about? everything you just wrote was utter bs. do you not get enough attention in real life?

Please explain to me how this is all BS. And I'd say I get enough in real life, I'm just posting something that I've noticed.

03-04-2012, 10:20 AM
Lol I'll totally buy the cookie cutters Now I want cookies.

* Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk <3 *

Craving, are we? hahah

03-04-2012, 10:34 AM
Craving, are we? hahah

HAHA alwaaays

I'm pretty handy when it comes to baking.. i'll make a mean Galant cookie! LOL

03-04-2012, 10:36 AM
HAHA alwaaays

I'm pretty handy when it comes to baking.. i'll make a mean Galant cookie! LOL

Staten Island isn't far from me...TGC cookie meet? Fuck yeah! LOL

03-04-2012, 10:45 AM
I have to agree with you Cody, but I think its a problem across the board with tuners in general these days.
Like in the Altima forum Im on, if you dont have the SE-R tails, an S5 grille, and a big drop on you car, than its ugly. Im also on the Tahoe/Yukon Forums, and if you dont have your truck lowered than everyone on the forum will tell you that you should lower it. WTF? Its a truck! I dont want to lower it, I wanna be able to drive off road if I had to, or hop curbs and fly over speed bumps if I so please. If I want to drive something lowered I'd hop in my car and go sideways into every driveway and over every speedbump!

Same thing goes on here, when I first modded my 8G I had chrome 19"s, chrome door pillars, no drop, smoked tails, and all USDM parts. I didnt get that much love because for some reason people have this thing against chrome for whatever reason. I dont, I liked it, and still like it to this day.
Then I bought the 4G eclipse wheels to give my tranny a break from the 19"s. Thats when I started liking the performance look for my car instead of what I had before. Then the JDM bug bit me, because I started noticing how good it looked on our cars, and not many people had it back in '08. So I did it because I wanted to, and I thought it would look good. Then all of the sudden every one begins to like my car, go figure...
Fast forward to now, I went for the whole JDM exterior look, but now damn near everyone has it. For some reason some people act like you cant make the USDM look good. Which is untrue, you can, it just takes a lil more creativity, a lil more research, and a lot less money. But members have become so fixated on one "cookie cutter" look and impose it on everyone else. If someone posts a picture for us to look at, granted its open to be scrutinized and criticized of our opinion, no doubt. But dont flame someone or talk $hit if they dont agree with your opinion. Let the member listen to everyones ideas good or bad, and come up with their own conclusion without be being bullied into it.
Yes they are certain things that dont look good on our cars, granted, but at the end of the day its all subjective.

03-04-2012, 10:46 AM


03-04-2012, 10:49 AM
I have to agree with you Cody, but I think its a problem across the board with tuners in general these days.
Like in the Altima forum Im on, if you dont have the SE-R tails, an S5 grille, and a big drop on you car, than its ugly. Im also on the Tahoe/Yukon Forums, and if you dont have your truck lowered than everyone on the forum will tell you that you should lower it. WTF? Its a truck! I dont want to lower it, I wanna be able to drive off road if I had to, or hop curbs and fly over speed bumps if I so please. If I want to drive something lowered I'd hop in my car and go sideways into every driveway and over every speedbump!

Same thing goes on here, when I first modded my 8G I had chrome 19"s, chrome door pillars, no drop, smoked tails, and all USDM parts. I didnt get that much love because for some reason people have this thing against chrome for whatever reason. I dont, I liked it, and still like it to this day.
Then I bought the 4G eclipse wheels to give my tranny a break from the 19"s. Thats when I started liking the performance look for my car instead of what I had before. Then the JDM bug bit me, because I started noticing how good it looked on our cars, and not many people had it back in '08. So I did it because I wanted to, and I thought it would look good. Then all of the sudden every one begins to like my car, go figure...
Fast forward to now, I went for the whole JDM exterior look, but now damn near everyone has it. For some reason some people act like you cant make the USDM look good. Which is untrue, you can, it just takes a lil more creativity, a lil more research, and a lot less money. But members have become so fixated on one "cookie cutter" look and impose it on everyone else. If someone posts a picture for us to look at, granted its open to be scrutinized and criticized of our opinion, no doubt. But dont flame someone or talk $hit if they dont agree with your opinion. Let the member listen to everyones ideas good or bad, and come up with their own conclusion without be being bullied into it.
Yes they are certain things that dont look good on our cars, granted, but at the end of the day its all subjective.

I think the issue becomes even bigger when the aftermarket is limited. I mean oakdrs has a point with the Honda Civic, but there are a number of paths one can still go. With the G/Altima, modding isn't commonplace so there aren't >9000 lips/body kits/etc.

And I have to say.

Chrome FTW.

I want some chrome 16x8 VS-KF so bad.

03-04-2012, 11:09 AM
I think the issue becomes even bigger when the aftermarket is limited. I mean oakdrs has a point with the Honda Civic, but there are a number of paths one can still go. With the G/Altima, modding isn't commonplace so there aren't >9000 lips/body kits/etc.

And I have to say.

Chrome FTW.

I want some chrome 16x8 VS-KF so bad.

LOL! True, there is a lot less options for our cars. And I think the big wave of JDM junkies has come because now these JDM parts are a lot more accessible and affordable then they were in the previous years. Which forced the members back then to come up with other ideas since they maybe couldnt afford JDM parts.

03-04-2012, 11:16 AM

03-04-2012, 11:28 AM


03-04-2012, 11:47 AM
Did someone say cookie???


03-04-2012, 02:09 PM
I think that if someone made a FS thread for TGC cookie cutters, it would be the most successful FS thread in the marketplace...

03-04-2012, 11:33 PM
Comments like this is what drives people away from forums

>sees intro thread
>a wild donk appears
>it claims an 8G
>all hope is lost
>nuke fired from secret government satellite
>it's the only way to make sure


03-04-2012, 11:40 PM
Comments like this is what drives people away from forums

Thank you pete for doing this. One of the most guilty persons trying to get everyone on the JDM bandwagon

03-04-2012, 11:44 PM
Comments like this is what drives people away from forums

Agreed, as well as comments like these:

what are you talking about? everything you just wrote was utter bs. do you not get enough attention in real life?

03-05-2012, 12:46 AM
Agreed, as well as comments like these:

you don't have any idea what i was getting at, but as the comment was not directed at you, i won't bother explaining it.

there are little skirmishes that happen on this board because members get their feelings hurt by other members then decide to chase each other through threads. this is nothing new... i've moderated this board for 10+ years so i've seen it too many times to count. alot of times it is caused by a member that begins their membership by asking beginner questions, gets helped by more senior members, then over months or years, after asking some more and reading and reading becomes more knowledgeable (as is what should happen from reading and reading). the problems start when that member believes they are now an "expert", downing anything they deem to be unworthy of their standards, often in a dismissive tone. finally that member starts making statements purely to insult other members, thinly disguising it as help or simple commentary or observation; back handed compliments become abundant. this is what truly drives members away from a board.

for the most part the truly knowledgeable members (the ones who have actually done the work and the research) just avoid these skirmishes as they are not productive and are often times just caused by member instigating confrontation with a controversial statement meant to illicit a negative reaction.

when a member receives advice or criticism, they should look at what that person offering the advice has done, to their own ride and for the community, before deciding to follow that advice or be affected by that criticism. of course we don't all have the same resources, and taste is subjective, honesty shouldn't be confused with insult and vice versa.

03-05-2012, 01:07 AM
So is anyone came up with a cookie cutter design yet???

03-05-2012, 02:15 AM
this thread is literately bouncing all over the place with subjects....

03-05-2012, 07:30 AM
this thread is literately bouncing all over the place with subjects....

You know you want a custom Galant cookie cutter...lol

03-05-2012, 10:08 AM
you don't have any idea what i was getting at, but as the comment was not directed at you, i won't bother explaining it.

there are little skirmishes that happen on this board because members get their feelings hurt by other members then decide to chase each other through threads. this is nothing new... i've moderated this board for 10+ years so i've seen it too many times to count. alot of times it is caused by a member that begins their membership by asking beginner questions, gets helped by more senior members, then over months or years, after asking some more and reading and reading becomes more knowledgeable (as is what should happen from reading and reading). the problems start when that member believes they are now an "expert", downing anything they deem to be unworthy of their standards, often in a dismissive tone. finally that member starts making statements purely to insult other members, thinly disguising it as help or simple commentary or observation; back handed compliments become abundant. this is what truly drives members away from a board.

for the most part the truly knowledgeable members (the ones who have actually done the work and the research) just avoid these skirmishes as they are not productive and are often times just caused by member instigating confrontation with a controversial statement meant to illicit a negative reaction.

when a member receives advice or criticism, they should look at what that person offering the advice has done, to their own ride and for the community, before deciding to follow that advice or be affected by that criticism. of course we don't all have the same resources, and taste is subjective, honesty shouldn't be confused with insult and vice versa.

It was still uncalled for... For you to denounce his thoughts or ideas simply because you don't agree with them is childish and immature. And then to take a shot at his "personal life" when you know nothing about this man, nor have you ever met him in real life. IMO as a Moderator you should not make comments such as those since you are expected to be the one to set a "good example" for the rest of the community. There is a lucid way to do things that involve using more tact than you did.

03-05-2012, 01:21 PM
It was still uncalled for... For you to denounce his thoughts or ideas simply because you don't agree with them is childish and immature. And then to take a shot at his "personal life" when you know nothing about this man, nor have you ever met him in real life. IMO as a Moderator you should not make comments such as those since you are expected to be the one to set a "good example" for the rest of the community. There is a lucid way to do things that involve using more tact than you did.

i didn't even address his "points" as being valid or not. to me the original post was simply to start an argument, not to cause anything positive. do you really think the motivation for this topic and placing it in "customizing" not "off topic" was innocent and pure? don't be naive. those are things as a moderator that i have to be aware of, as well as past posting histories.

03-05-2012, 01:29 PM
You have got to be kidding me....I got excited for no reason. I thought there really was a cookie cutter of a Galant. Damn!!!

03-05-2012, 01:36 PM
i didn't even address his "points" as being valid or not. to me the original post was simply to start an argument, not to cause anything positive. do you really think the motivation for this topic and placing it in "customizing" not "off topic" was innocent and pure? don't be naive. those are things as a moderator that i have to be aware of, as well as past posting histories.

You did attempt to invalidate his opinion or "points" as you call it when you said:

what are you talking about? everything you just wrote was utter bs...

His original post was made to express his opinion to the forum, on what can be considered a controversial topic. Nothing he did/said was out of line or out of context. Granted he could have placed it in the "Off Topic" forum, but the conversation is still relevant to the "Customizing your 8G" forum IMO.
If you were that concerned about the placement of the thread in the incorrect forum, it would be quite easy for you to move it to the correct forum, and I would think you would have mentioned that in the first place.
At any rate Im done wasting my time with this conversation.

03-05-2012, 02:14 PM
You did attempt to invalidate his opinion or "points" as you call it when you said:

His original post was made to express his opinion to the forum, on what can be considered a controversial topic. Nothing he did/said was out of line or out of context. Granted he could have placed it in the "Off Topic" forum, but the conversation is still relevant to the "Customizing your 8G" forum IMO.
If you were that concerned about the placement of the thread in the incorrect forum, it would be quite easy for you to move it to the correct forum, and I would think you would have mentioned that in the first place.
At any rate Im done wasting my time with this conversation.

you are wasting your time. how are you more offended by my post that had nothing to do with you, whereas the OP which includes you?

03-05-2012, 02:22 PM
How does my OP include Ivory? He had JDM front before I even got here and has never tried to force JDM front on anyone. He's one of the few who won't mug someone for considering a body kit.

The OP seemed to upset you more than it did anyone else, and I'm not sure why.

03-05-2012, 02:34 PM
How does my OP include Ivory? He had JDM front before I even got here and has never tried to force JDM front on anyone. He's one of the few who won't mug someone for considering a body kit.

The OP seemed to upset you more than it did anyone else, and I'm not sure why.

don't feign innocence. you have habitually insulted members on this board in attempts at self aggrandizement to the point that your credibility as an impartial observer are suspect. remember, i have dealt with this behavior since long before you were ever a member and it happens in cycles over and over. you have learned volumes since you first became a member and have had your taste levels improved by the community, but your new opinions are not the end all be all that you would hope to project.

03-05-2012, 02:55 PM
How does my OP include Ivory? He had JDM front before I even got here and has never tried to force JDM front on anyone. He's one of the few who won't mug someone for considering a body kit.

The OP seemed to upset you more than it did anyone else, and I'm not sure why.


03-05-2012, 03:05 PM

the op basically called oem jdm front ended cars, or USDM front ended cars with a lip on this site, "standard" and un-creative, cookie cutter creations, further states that is the TGC template, and that it is easier to count the cars without those things. you agree with that?

03-05-2012, 03:09 PM
the op basically called oem jdm front ended cars, or USDM front ended cars with a lip on this site, "standard" and un-creative, cookie cutter creations, further states that is the TGC template, and that it is easier to count the cars without those things. you agree with that?

Like I already said Im done with this conversation... Its a futile discussion with you.

03-05-2012, 03:13 PM
Like I already said Im done with this conversation... Its a futile discussion with you.


03-05-2012, 03:33 PM


03-05-2012, 03:50 PM
Wow guys, really? Who gives a flying fuck? I haven't been on this board that long but I've seen the cycle that Reelax described, it is true. People will continue to have opinions and that is fine. The issue is the way in which people express those opinions. There is no need to be a douche on the internet, talking shit from behind a keyboard. Now I'm not saying that I haven't given people unnecessary crap on this forum, I have, but it's been quite a while and I just don't think it is necessary. The majority of the people on here are grown men and women and I feel as though we need to act as such. Good natured ribbing and insults are very different from "omg, kill it with fire" or "that looks like complete crap". I was just rereading a projector thread that someone started a long time ago and Reelax and Astig were giving him constructive criticism and advice that he just kept ignoring until he made his headlights useless. They didn't insult him, tell him he was a piece of crap, insult his car, they just told him he was doing it wrong. Now on the other hand many of you were here for the "blue shitz" epidemic a while back, and that guy behaved like an ass and got banned.

The point is grow up, share your opinion in a constructive manner or just don't comment. I myself am not a huge fan of bodykits, I like the OEM plus look most of the time, but if someone has a bagged galant with a cyber kit that is well executed, I tip my hat to them.

Oh, and another pet peeve, people who haven't done shit to their own cars really shouldn't be handing out advice left and right and talking like they're preaching from the Bible of galant modifying, that is really aggravating. And enough with this GT vs TGC crap, who cares, they're just car forums, no need to get upset over who runs what or who's a mod here vs. there.

03-05-2012, 04:06 PM
Wow guys, really? Who gives a flying fuck? I haven't been on this board that long but I've seen the cycle that Reelax described, it is true. People will continue to have opinions and that is fine. The issue is the way in which people express those opinions. There is no need to be a douche on the internet, talking shit from behind a keyboard. Now I'm not saying that I haven't given people unnecessary crap on this forum, I have, but it's been quite a while and I just don't think it is necessary. The majority of the people on here are grown men and women and I feel as though we need to act as such. Good natured ribbing and insults are very different from "omg, kill it with fire" or "that looks like complete crap". I was just rereading a projector thread that someone started a long time ago and Reelax and Astig were giving him constructive criticism and advice that he just kept ignoring until he made his headlights useless. They didn't insult him, tell him he was a piece of crap, insult his car, they just told him he was doing it wrong. Now on the other hand many of you were here for the "blue shitz" epidemic a while back, and that guy behaved like an ass and got banned.

The point is grow up, share your opinion in a constructive manner or just don't comment. I myself am not a huge fan of bodykits, I like the OEM plus look most of the time, but if someone has a bagged galant with a cyber kit that is well executed, I tip my hat to them.

Oh, and another pet peeve, people who haven't done shit to their own cars really shouldn't be handing out advice left and right and talking like they're preaching from the Bible of galant modifying, that is really aggravating. And enough with this GT vs TGC crap, who cares, they're just car forums, no need to get upset over who runs what or who's a mod here vs. there.

Well put, sir.

People need to remember that just because you have an opinion doesn't mean you need to share it. If you don't like someones car, either say its not your cup of tea or shut it. If you think something doesnt look good or looks tacky, tell them but not in a demeaning manor. Don't call it "ricey" or "gay".

Also, for the love of God, will someone please make a custom TGC cookie cutter and replicate it for the rest of us!

03-05-2012, 04:08 PM
Preach Martin! PREACH!

03-05-2012, 04:22 PM
and have had your taste levels improved by the community


Wow guys, really? Who gives a flying fuck? I haven't been on this board that long but I've seen the cycle that Reelax described, it is true. People will continue to have opinions and that is fine. The issue is the way in which people express those opinions. There is no need to be a douche on the internet, talking shit from behind a keyboard. Now I'm not saying that I haven't given people unnecessary crap on this forum, I have, but it's been quite a while and I just don't think it is necessary. The majority of the people on here are grown men and women and I feel as though we need to act as such. Good natured ribbing and insults are very different from "omg, kill it with fire" or "that looks like complete crap". I was just rereading a projector thread that someone started a long time ago and Reelax and Astig were giving him constructive criticism and advice that he just kept ignoring until he made his headlights useless. They didn't insult him, tell him he was a piece of crap, insult his car, they just told him he was doing it wrong. Now on the other hand many of you were here for the "blue shitz" epidemic a while back, and that guy behaved like an ass and got banned.

The point is grow up, share your opinion in a constructive manner or just don't comment. I myself am not a huge fan of bodykits, I like the OEM plus look most of the time, but if someone has a bagged galant with a cyber kit that is well executed, I tip my hat to them.

Oh, and another pet peeve, people who haven't done shit to their own cars really shouldn't be handing out advice left and right and talking like they're preaching from the Bible of galant modifying, that is really aggravating. And enough with this GT vs TGC crap, who cares, they're just car forums, no need to get upset over who runs what or who's a mod here vs. there.

Oh, now I'm mad.

99 galant
03-05-2012, 05:19 PM
I don't think it should be a stab at TGC, but honestly, for those of you that don't see it, you're blind. If you don't do JDM, you're not part of the forum. You get bashed, and you know what? It isn't constructive critisim. Its straight up being an ass. I'm not suggesting to brown nose the world, what I am saying is GIVE constructive critisim, don't be all over someone for not going JDM. Help them do their mods correctly to save money, don't force them to be like you.

With that said, I think Cody brings up extremely true and valid points. I think Reelax brings up valid points about the cycle of fights, but this isn't about a fight. This is about the way opinions are stated. Yeah, its the internet, yeah so what? Do you have to allow the comments that you are allowing through as an admin? No.

03-05-2012, 05:39 PM
I don't think it should be a stab at TGC, but honestly, for those of you that don't see it, you're blind. If you don't do JDM, you're not part of the forum. You get bashed, and you know what? It isn't constructive critisim. Its straight up being an ass. I'm not suggesting to brown nose the world, what I am saying is GIVE constructive critisim, don't be all over someone for not going JDM. Help them do their mods correctly to save money, don't force them to be like you.

With that said, I think Cody brings up extremely true and valid points. I think Reelax brings up valid points about the cycle of fights, but this isn't about a fight. This is about the way opinions are stated. Yeah, its the internet, yeah so what? Do you have to allow the comments that you are allowing through as an admin? No.

well yes as an admin i can simply censor members but i personally don't believe in censoring things unless they could get the community in trouble (like illegal stuff etc.). other mods have told me in the past to just delete or ban members but i'll let things go unless they get totally disrespectful; that is where the line drops. some other mods and admins have MUCH less tolerance; actually i have given BLUE8G more than enough leeway in the past which is why we r here now... remember he has already been banned at least once (not by me), so the benefit of the doubt is no longer given. the way opinions are stated is sometimes just a way to start a fight. it may not seem like such a big deal to many here, because the insult is not overt, but i have been watching it happen over and over so the accumulation is enough for me to say something.

03-05-2012, 05:49 PM
well yes as an admin i can simply censor members but i personally don't believe in censoring things unless they could get the community in trouble (like illegal stuff etc.). other mods have told me in the past to just delete or ban members but i'll let things go unless they get totally disrespectful; that is where the line drops. some other mods and admins have MUCH less tolerance; actually i have given BLUE8G more than enough leeway in the past which is why we r here now... remember he has already been banned at least once (not by me), so the benefit of the doubt is no longer given. the way opinions are stated is sometimes just a way to start a fight. it may not seem like such a big deal to many here, because the insult is not overt, but i have been watching it happen over and over so the accumulation is enough for me to say something.

This is why I'm trying be respectful towards your posts, you are definitely one of the better mods/admins on the site and I appreciate that.

The other mods I've received have been a bit questionable though, but that's been discussed in the past.

03-05-2012, 05:59 PM
I havent gone JDM and I still feel part of the forum. Maybe it's the "been a member since 05" thing.....

03-05-2012, 07:02 PM
What is with TGC lately? If anyone varies from the standard JDM front or US with eBay lip, lowering springs and wheels they're immediately trashed. Why is this all of a sudden such a common occurrence? Where is the originality this site once had?

Is there now a template that all members of TGC must follow? As someone with a good sized collection of infractions was this a secret decision in some zone of the site I'm prohibited from?

I can't act like I'm an innocent bystander, I'm guilty of being more of a douchebag than almost anyone on this site, but I was always a douchebag, and my stance on things has always had a consistent perspective. Lately though, people that used to claim they would not follow any of the 'trends' are some of the harshest critics of those who vary from the trends.

What happened to modifying one's car for one's self? Is that a lost art or are the desires of all members of TGC exactly the same? When I first joined this site in late 2008, I could likely the count the number of people with each JDM front on one hand and outside of S-Line/Cali, no one had the Vogue lip. A couple people had Liberal grills, a larger number had the world-spec tails. Now its probably easier to count the number of people without one of those things than those with them.

Has modding cars shifted from something you do for you to something you do for the approval of some random dudes on the internet? Why not do something that will get you made fun of on the forums if you like it? The next few parts I'm about to buy for the Fit will likely garner a huge amount of flaming but you know what? Each time I see/use them, I'm going to be like: “Fck yeah, this is rad” and that matters a lot more than getting +5 internet cool points.

Just a little side note, what's with the sudden gushing over the 8gB front? When I joined, and really up until the last 3 months, that has been the black sheep of the Galant world, even more so than body kits (IMO) and now it seems like people with other fronts want to convert to it, or if they have the 8gB front they don't want to mess with it?

Now please note, I'm not trying to act though I'm not guilty of being a dick to people who do things that I see/saw as stupid, however if some one's car is world's cooler than mine ever was/is/will be, I'm not going to scold them for not doing things exactly as I'd do them. My distaste was also often directed at the choice of poor quality/replica parts, not necessarily at their choice of that modding direction in general.

I also am not saying my car was original, it was far from it. It was what I wanted though, a car that looked like it had some special sport package from the factory, and I feel I executed that to a T.


I hope this is coherent, but its likely not, and IDGAF at this point.

I don't see any of these arguments you are making.

TGC is an online car forum. Tens of thousands of strangers from around the world come here to talk about Galants. So yes, there are tens of thousands different opinions of what is "good looking". Theres also a large spread of age groups from teenagers who get Galants as their first cars to older folks who have bought their 6g when it was new.

Some people take this online forum too seriously like its a High School popularity contest. People will come and go, and the Mods here are like the principals of the school. We are consistant with the attitude and direction of the forum.

Using my analogy of high school, there are different groups here with different attitudes, which is totally fine. Theres the JDM bumper clique. The USDM lip clique. The turbocharger clique. The nice wheels clique. But you know what, all these cliques are in the minority. Everyone else here just want to learn more about Galants. Some people may post more on the forum and it may seem like theyre bashing others, but it doesnt mean they are in the majority.

The mods just observe the forum posters and go "atleast theyre all mingling" Because discussion is good. When 2 people meet and exchange one idea, they each walk away with two ideas. Only closed minded people will go "No, no, no. Thats not true. I refuse to listen. I am right. LaLaLaLa..." We'll call that clique the Emos.

99 galant
03-05-2012, 07:23 PM
I don't see any of these arguments you are making.

TGC is an online car forum. Tens of thousands of strangers from around the world come here to talk about Galants. So yes, there are tens of thousands different opinions of what is "good looking". Theres also a large spread of age groups from teenagers who get Galants as their first cars to older folks who have bought their 6g when it was new.

Some people take this online forum too seriously like its a High School popularity contest. People will come and go, and the Mods here are like the principals of the school. We are consistant with the attitude and direction of the forum.

Using my analogy of high school, there are different groups here with different attitudes, which is totally fine. Theres the JDM bumper clique. The USDM lip clique. The turbocharger clique. The nice wheels clique. But you know what, all these cliques are in the minority. Everyone else here just want to learn more about Galants. Some people may post more on the forum and it may seem like theyre bashing others, but it doesnt mean they are in the majority.

The mods just observe the forum posters and go "atleast theyre all mingling" Because discussion is good. When 2 people meet and exchange one idea, they each walk away with two ideas. Only closed minded people will go "No, no, no. Thats not true. I refuse to listen. I am right. LaLaLaLa..." We'll call that clique the Emos.

actually, that was very well said and makes me see that side of it as well.

03-05-2012, 08:31 PM
Reelax, and QNZ, made very interesting statements. Makes perfect sense to me.

I think that we should all try and clean up our act a little, maybe you aren't part of the wheel clique but with the JDM clique, or you aren't' the Turbo Clique and are of the USDM Lip clique. I will admit, I'm not perfect and can sometimes be insensitive to new comers, I will be open about this, you don't have to. But just know that if after reading this thread and you feel a little bit of guilt, ask yourself why? And see what you can do to change it.

Also, if after reading my post you feel you don't have to "clean up you act" or feel offended, you are more then welcome to exclude yourself from my comment, after all it was only a comment.

03-05-2012, 08:49 PM
Everybody needs to stop pissing in each other's cereal and just grow the hell up. If you don't like the forum, don't visit plain and simple. Don't like the feedback people are giving, it's life and clearly the real world is just starting for you.

There are still a lot of personal grudges held within every forum and this one is absolutely no different. Taking shots at other forums, members/individuals is only stirring the pot and making more BS that the Galant community as a WHOLEdoesn't need.

You want drama, or to create drama then go the hell back to middle school until you all grow up, and I direct this to EVERYBODY. This specific forum community has changed in the last 3 years or so since I joined, membership, staff, features, and other things that have come up. The more BS that goes on here is only killing each member's sense of community here and if it continues you can give yourselves a "high five" for allowing the community to join the depths of other communities with a poor reputation.

And yes, before anybody decides to "get wise" and call me out as a GT admin speaking out/trash talking TGC, get bent and face reality. I visit this forum the same about as I visit GT and I am still a contributing and active member to this community...so don't even go there.

Now, get your lazy asses to the kitchen and make me some DAMN COOKIES!

03-05-2012, 08:53 PM
And yes, before anybody decides to "get wise" and call me out as a GT admin speaking out/trash talking TGC, get bent and face reality. I visit this forum the same about as I visit GT and I am still a contributing and active member to this community...so don't even go there.

Would never go there spdfrk, IMO you have really done your part in contributing to this forum.

Now, get your lazy asses to the kitchen and make me some DAMN COOKIES!

Yes please!!

03-05-2012, 10:40 PM
Its a shame that an opinion can't be shared on an opinion based forum without people getting their feelings hurt or getting angry. As grown ass men and women, we should do better. Whether an observtion or thought is one sided or not, an individual is entitled to it. Unfortuantely Blue_8G's thought was not accepted by most but he did not outright disrespect anyone. He didnt call out any names nor condemn any one individuals style or decisions. I can't say the same for the few that reacted in a condescending manner. At the end of the day, this site is about cars. The love, the creativity, and the enthusiam that drives us to compete for the most originally put together body of work. Without any of that, there is nothing but this unecessary bullshit that is replacing the fun that this site should be providing.

03-05-2012, 10:48 PM
3 things...

1) Loud noises!

2) I'm only posting here because I can.

3) We are all a community. Don't be a dick. If anyone sees another member insulting another member (be it trolling, non-constructive criticism, etc), report the post. There are always a few bad eggs that will float around and start shit because they feel like it and they feel like they can get away with it. Blue - You used to be like that, but you seem to have grown up a bit. And that is constructive criticism.

4) After reading this whole thread, who am I supposed to ban? Ban people you ask? Why? BECAUSE I CAN.

And I was never really good at math.

03-05-2012, 11:08 PM

I say we ban everybody.

03-06-2012, 12:03 AM
Now, get your lazy asses to the kitchen and make me some DAMN COOKIES!

everyone has the munchies!

03-06-2012, 01:58 AM
Its a shame that an opinion can't be shared on an opinion based forum without people getting their feelings hurt or getting angry. As grown ass men and women, we should do better. Whether an observtion or thought is one sided or not, an individual is entitled to it. Unfortuantely Blue_8G's thought was not accepted by most but he did not outright disrespect anyone. He didnt call out any names nor condemn any one individuals style or decisions. I can't say the same for the few that reacted in a condescending manner. At the end of the day, this site is about cars. The love, the creativity, and the enthusiam that drives us to compete for the most originally put together body of work. Without any of that, there is nothing but this unecessary bullshit that is replacing the fun that this site should be providing.

since you r still so new here, u simply haven't been around long enough to see what i am talking about. u r catching the tail end of months of antics in what is over a decade of these ups and downs on this board. opinions are fine and everybody should have them.

03-06-2012, 08:12 AM
since you r still so new here, u simply haven't been around long enough to see what i am talking about. u r catching the tail end of months of antics in what is over a decade of these ups and downs on this board. opinions are fine and everybody should have them.

To be honest Reelax, your a knowlegeable guy and I see your posts and respect your vast intellect regarding tuning and modding; however, I don't really care how long the back and forth has been going on or who is right or wrong. I made a general statement about what I believe the character of all the forum members should reflect. That's it and that's all. If I wanted to know the history of this situation, Im sure I could go back through the posts to find out. Thanks for trying to clarify for me, but it is unecessary, and you shouldnt have to defend your opinion since "opinions are fine and everyone should have them". I'm not going to get into a whole "teeter totter" debate about this so these are the very last words I'm writing on the matter.

03-06-2012, 02:24 PM

I got some places that can make custom cookie cutters.

Who would be interested? And yes, I seriously have information on them.

03-06-2012, 02:37 PM

I got some places that can make custom cookie cutters.

Who would be interested? And yes, I seriously have information on them.


I'm in!

03-06-2012, 02:38 PM
I would be interested dave.

03-06-2012, 02:54 PM

I got some places that can make custom cookie cutters.

Who would be interested? And yes, I seriously have information on them.

Fuck yeah!

03-06-2012, 03:35 PM
I could make a few if anyone wants, I will have the time this week to make some as well after I get my car running, just need to dust off the jig saw to make a template and buy some sheet metal

03-06-2012, 03:40 PM
same here...so.... is there going to be a real cookie cutter?

edit: im in for the cookie cutter

03-06-2012, 05:51 PM
Cookie Cutters for real??


03-06-2012, 06:11 PM
Ugh enough of the pissing match guys! I don't see the so called bashing or cliques some are talking about but then again I don't stick around for the drama. If I read something or see something I don't like I don't bother posting. Honestly who cares what I think right? I may just be hormonal but cant we just get along ? Dont make me get the whip lol

I'm in for those cookie cutters! I lovvvve cookies.

* Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk <3 *

03-06-2012, 06:11 PM
can you make the cookie cutters tall so I can make galant biscuits

03-06-2012, 06:15 PM
can you make the cookie cutters tall so I can make galant biscuits

Best post of the thread!!!

03-06-2012, 06:15 PM
can you make the cookie cutters tall so I can make galant biscuits

I'd love me some Galant corn muffins.

This could be the greatest piece of merchandise TGC has ever made for its members. lol

03-06-2012, 06:16 PM
East coast cookie baking meet?!?!?!1



03-06-2012, 06:18 PM
I'll drive for some biscuits and cookies and corn muffins and anything else that can get cut and baked!

03-06-2012, 06:19 PM
Dont make me get the whip

I vote Ally for TGC Mod!!!

03-06-2012, 07:07 PM
Ugh enough of the pissing match guys! I don't see the so called bashing or cliques some are talking about but then again I don't stick around for the drama. If I read something or see something I don't like I don't bother posting. Honestly who cares what I think right? I may just be hormonal but cant we just get along ? Dont make me get the whip lol

I'm in for those cookie cutters! I lovvvve cookies.

* Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk <3 *

What do I need to do to be whipped by you Ally?

03-06-2012, 07:09 PM
Lol Imagine baking cookies at the corona meet

03-06-2012, 07:23 PM
What do I need to do to be whipped by you Ally?

Lol keep acting out

* Sent from my iPhone 4S using Tapatalk <3 *

03-06-2012, 07:38 PM
Dont make me get the whip lol

Sounds kinky ;)
Dont start something you cant finish! LOL!

03-06-2012, 09:04 PM
I's can has cookie cutter, and biscut cutter! LOL EPIC

03-06-2012, 09:24 PM
all i can say is SMDH....

and yes please, I want some Cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-06-2012, 09:28 PM
Fuck, I have a damn craving for cookies and corn muffins now. LOL

03-06-2012, 10:29 PM
Everyone needs to stop cluttering this fake analogy of a cookie cutter thread with actual cookie cutter talk! Start your own damn thread!


03-07-2012, 08:40 AM
East coast cookie baking meet?!?!?!1



I'm down

03-17-2012, 09:58 PM
I clicked on this link thinking someone made a cookie cutter in the shape of a Galant and I was gonna buy one

ha, same here. But I agree Cody

reading back a couple posts.. I guess I'm late to the game haha