View Full Version : Replacing the windshield wipers

10-14-2003, 07:43 PM
Hi, I'm trying to replace my windshield wipers (not just the blades) but I've taken a brief look at them and I'm not sure how to take the old ones off. It looks like there's a pin that's holding the wipers to the wiper arms, but I'm not sure how to remove that. There's rust all over the pins, too. There also seems to be a lever (with a spring under it) but I don't see anything else moving when I hold it down. (It was already getting dark.)

I'm sure people know how to do this and I'm probably missing something really simple. Any help is appreciated!

10-14-2003, 08:13 PM
are you trying to replace the whole thing arms and all?

10-14-2003, 08:25 PM
I'm going to keep the arms for now, just replacing the blades (not the rubber inserts). Should I replace the arms, though?

10-14-2003, 08:29 PM
don't think you should have too. I was just wondering. I never had a problem replacing the blades they always jsut came off. I pulled the arms up. Reversed the blades so they were backwards and slid them off the arms. takes all of a few minutes.

10-14-2003, 09:14 PM
Hmm, ok. From how I remember the blades were connected, I have no idea what you are talking about. I'll take another look tomorrow morning, as it is raining right now. Thanks for the help, though!

10-14-2003, 10:37 PM
when you buy them from yor local auto supply shop, they will usually install them for you. It isnt that hard, no more then 5 minutes. Liek it was said 4, just flip the wiper upside down, press in(i believe) push down. i think you have to press in the clip WHILE you pulling down on the arm , for it to come off.

10-15-2003, 08:08 AM
If they come with instructions make sure you follow the ones that match the Galant setup.

First time I ever changed my wipers I remember following a different set of directions and it took forever to get the damn thing off.

10-21-2003, 02:15 AM
I just got snow/ice wipers myself over the weekend for $12 apiece. The guy at Advance auto who billed me also installed it...took like 1 minute max. Simple unhook/replace operation.