View Full Version : Spoiler painting/installation

10-23-2003, 09:41 PM
How much should i expect to pay to get an OEM spoiler for an 02 galant painted and installed? On spoiler depot its like an extra 85 for them just to paint it, plus shipping and tax and they only live a few miles from me. To me it seems that 85 is a lil high just to paint the spoiler.


10-23-2003, 10:12 PM
actually 85 bucks to paint is good if it's a good job.

i paid about that and after 1 year the paint still looks good.

you could install it yourself and save money.

10-23-2003, 10:40 PM
i'd run around town and get an estimate from body shops. prices will vary from different parts of the country. but yea, if its a good job, then 85 isn't that bad. i'd check their painting process, like how many layers etc etc. make sure youre getting a good job.

i got mine painted and installed for 30. but mine was only cheap cuz they just finished painting a car the same color as mine and had enough to paint my wing.

10-26-2003, 10:22 AM
85 bucks is not bad. Contact Spoiler depot and ask them if you can pick it up to save to shipping.