Hey guys,

I have a 2002 Galant ES 2.4 L. The car is a US model and has been imported into Canada.

I am planning to move to Whitehorse, Yukon (near Alaska) and the winters are going to be a lot worse than here in Toronto. I know for a fact that I will need an engine block heater for sure. I checked with the dealership here. The heater + coolant is going to cost around $50 and labor charges are going to be around $200.

I read up online and all that needs to be done is to replace the freez-plug on the engine with the heater. I just want to know if anyone has done this, or knows how hard it would be to do this job. I'm not a noob when it comes to working on cars, but I'm not an expert either, nor do I have a lot of tools and I live in an apartment building. But $250 seems a bit high for installing just a block heater.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thank!