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Thread: Guys my Freaking transmission went need help!!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. #21
    Well at least some good news in im getting it done by the dealer now that my G qulified for the 5 yr/60k mile warranty , going in for surgery tom.
    [/quote]Ahh Yes we got to ride in StylEZZZ[quote]!

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by juan18_c
    in response to mR scootinintegra, ur a lame ass u think that im gonna go kick some one's ass for real for some shit like that? I know they are just doing their job i was just talking smack soryy if u slow enough not to catch on bro im sorry i apologize to you. ....oh yeah n by the way the burn outs where made not from being in neutral; drama queen, they where done the proper way ! lil hand brake here,.. lil gas there ,.. lil spin up in here and everywhere !
    In response to Mr. juan18_c's cunning retort:

    so u think i got fucking screwed by those pricks?
    cuz if it is like that ima kick their ass
    In that instance, you sound like a typical 16 year old know-nothing hardass. In fact, I'm willing to bet you exemplify at least a couple of qualities of a typical ricer hardass. But that's beside the point.

    When you say "ima kick their ass" seriously, how is someone supposed to take it? Especially from someone like you, who has no standing on this site whatsoever, and has said nothing but "I'm gonna kick some ass, I'm so mad I could scream, so let's blame Jiffy Lube for the problem!" Instead of jumping on here screaming about how it's all Jiffy Lube's fault, why don't you just fix the problem, retard? It's not too difficult to figure out what's wrong with a tranny, even if it just means taking it to somebody who actually does know something about cars (i.e., not Jiffy Lube).
    Realize that they're not going to pay, especially after hearing about your burnouts and (I'm making an assumption here) your retarded, aggressive driving. I'm very willing to bet you tear that car to pieces. If you even took this to court or anything like that, they will have people there willing to take apart your tranny to show you how YOU fucked it up and they didn't. I've heard of Jiffy Lube getting away with not putting oil back in people's cars and siezing the engine up; it's not going to be hard for them to beat down some mentally handicapped 16 year old with his first car who doesn't want to let daddy know why his car is fucked up.

    As for slow? I just find that fairly funny. I'm not claiming to be a genius (because I'm not) or to be an expert at cars (because I'm not), but I am far from slow. I know more about cars and, most likely, life in general, than you could ever imagine.

    Oh, side note. Learn to type. I'd rather get anally penetrated with a cattle prod than read through another one of your posts worded like that. The next time I see a post worded like that, I'm gouging my eyes out with a fork.

    I'm also willing to bet you have no idea how to do a real burnout, either. You were probably showing off to some 15 year old girl who was willing to pop out her pubescent excuses for tits if you sent up a shitload of smoke from your tires. Go you, you win. If my girlfriend got smoked in the face with a brick, she'd still be hotter than any Down's syndrome look-alike cock-mongering bitch you've ever touched. You don't know what a burnout is for, you don't know why a burnout helps, and I'm willing to bet you never will until someone with some real knowledge (knowledge that didn't come from your mad tight JDM-buddies or from that sick killer tight accurate representation of street racing we call "Fast and the Furious") shuts you the fuck up in real life. I wish it could be me, but alas, you are probably too far away from me. Instead, I'll have to bitch slap you across the internet, tell you to shut your fucking face-hole before you embarass yourself further, and go downstairs to bang my model girlfriend. I'll catch you later, cock-eater.

  3. #23
    :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

    :thumbsup: scoot; you're a fuckin' trip man! :thumbsup:

  4. #24
    PWN3D!! scoot....never cease to amaze me with new insults...
    President Team DNA IL Chapter
    [email protected]

  5. #25
    his IM to me says it all:

    Bball347: i metaphorically shit on his face

    ...and that you did my dear friend Drew

  6. #26
    Experienced TGC Member
    Join Date
    Southern California
    Im scootin's father...

  7. #27

    Thank You to God Father Scoot!

    DAmn I love this trash Talking !!! U the Man !

    Thank you grand master scoot for your wise words of wisdom n proliferation. Thank you.! It's good to know that there is still people out there with enough knowladge about cattle proding and pubescent tits on 15 year olds. thank you for the enlightment.
    but seriously why are you taking this shit! to a whole new level ! all i asked was for a little advice on My G!, I mean don't u know the meaning of "literally speaking". But its obvious that u got too much shit in ur head other than brains, and too much shit to take from ur super model girlfriend! So lets leave it at this point, as of to a Thank you from Me to You for the wonderful education, So go ahead baby go bang her or is it the other way around n make sure she Puts on her strap on real tight, after all u might not wanna miss what u like the most. :cry:

    P. S : thanks for the bitch slap gladly accepted after all, that was a good ass comeback from ya! It made me crack up all over the place.
    Thanx for a good laugh.
    [/quote]Ahh Yes we got to ride in StylEZZZ[quote]!

  8. #28

    Re: Thank You to God Father Scoot!

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(juan18_c)</div><div class='quotemain'>DAmn I love this trash Talking !!! Â*U the Man !

    Thank you grand master scoot for your wise words of wisdom n proliferation. Â*Thank you.! Â*It's good to know that there is still people out there with enough knowladge about cattle proding and pubescent tits on 15 year olds. thank you for the enlightment. Â*
    but seriously Â*why are you taking this shit! to a whole new level ! all i asked was for a little advice on My G!, I mean don't u know the meaning of "literally speaking". But its obvious that u got too much shit in ur head other than brains, and too much shit to take from ur super model girlfriend! So lets leave it at this point, as of to a Thank you from Me to You Â*for the wonderful education, Â*So go ahead baby go bang her or is it the other way around n make sure she Puts on her strap on real tight, after all u might not wanna miss what u like the most. Â*:cry: Â*

    P. S : thanks for the bitch slap gladly accepted after all, that was a good ass comeback from ya! Â*It made me crack up all over the place.
    Thanx for a good laugh.</div>
    Alright, let's go round for round, you cum-guzzling should-be abortion. Hell, I'll even keep score.
    First off, learn to type and spell. I'm not even going to make another comment about it, because your grammar and basic understanding of the English language is so far from "articulate," it makes my point by itself. I would classify it more as "catastrophically abysmal." Your random exclamation points also confuse me...e-Tourret's Syndrome, maybe?

    Score: 1-0 Drew

    I saw my pubescent tits when I was pubescent. I tend to avoid the kind of cock-mongering slut queens you tend to show off for, they're just not my type. I still prefer my model girlfriend that would do anything I ask of her. She's hotter, smarter, funnier, cuter, nicer, and overall better than any disgusting piece of dick-devouring estrogen-imbalanced man bitch you've been around. But anyway, that's beside the point. The fact that I can and always will have an overall better woman than you doesn't bring me any closer to explaining why you are such a worthless piece of dog shit.

    Score: 2-0 Drew

    So what do you mean by "you don't know the meaning of 'literally speaking?" At what point does that phrase come into play? Again, your misunderstanding of the English language and lack of education comes into play. If you're going to rip on me for touting my education, at least have the sense to not sound like an ignorant, jealous asshole because I'm smarter. Choke on a fork and die, moron.
    Own3d by your ignorance I'll only give myself half a point this time.

    Score: 2.5-0 Drew

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>But its obvious that u got too much shit in ur head other than brains</div>
    Hypocrite. +1 Drew

    Score: 3.5-0 Drew

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>as of to a</div>
    How does it feel to be such an idiot that you can place an adverb, two prepositions, and an article all in a row without feeling like a retard? +0.5 Drew

    Score: 4-0 Drew

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE</div><div class='quotemain'>It's good to know that there is still people out there with enough knowladge about cattle proding and pubescent tits on 15 year olds</div> That's about your only quality (or even remotely intelligible) retort in this thread. I'll give you a point.

    Score: 4-1 Drew

    You're god damn right you took my bitch slap. You don't know shit about cars or about how to handle yourself. I know the hormones get a little crazy when you're that age, but try to control yourself next time, big guy. I know if I ever met you, I would be forced to beat your ass into oblivion for being this retarded. I wonder how you speak in real life..."I need a new transmission, YAAAAAAYYY!!!!" [/specialed] I wouldn't doubt it. But hey, I can't blame you for your handicap. Your mom was the one drinking heavily to cover up all that pain from the syphillis she contracted while conceiving you. Blame her, get some of your teenage angst and ill-will out there. It's good for the soul.

    Score: 5-1 Drew

    Oh yeah, die in a fire. Bitch. When you start sprouting some hair in places you didn't originally have it and your voice stops cracking, come back here and maybe I'll take you seriously. Until then, you're just another pubic hard ass who thinks he can take on the world because one day, he had a day dream about beating up some bad guys. Have fun with your life while you can, because I'll probably own you some day. And you know what you're going to do for me? Clean the fucking toilets that I shit in, with your tongue, for $6.50 an hour, and you'll love me.

    Good luck with life, hope you die before you realize you're not going anywhere with it.

  9. #29


    Very nice mr Scooting on DIck!. Well let emphasize here for a second my little youngster on just this. you just waisted more time looking like a retard writing all this shit about knowing how to spell, prepositions and bullshit who the fuck KARES AVOUT HOU JOU SPEL SHYT OUT FUCK HEAD!
    peace out money you aint worth it
    Oh yeah n by the way thanx for $6.50 comment at least i will be doing a good job cleaning toilets. Not like your mom's who gives ass 24/7 at the corner, n shit she does it for FREEEEE! hahahahaha
    [/quote]Ahh Yes we got to ride in StylEZZZ[quote]!

  10. #30

    Re: impressive

    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(juan18_c)</div><div class='quotemain'>Very nice mr Scooting on DIck!. Â*Well let emphasize here for a second my little youngster on just this. you just waisted more time looking like a retard writing all this shit about knowing how to spell, prepositions and bullshit who the fuck KARES AVOUT HOU JOU SPEL SHYT OUT FUCK HEAD!
    peace out money you aint worth it Â*
    Oh yeah n by the way thanx for $6.50 comment at least i will be doing a good job cleaning toilets. Not like your mom's who gives ass 24/7 at the corner, n shit she does it for FREEEEE! hahahahaha</div>
    Yeah...I don't think I even need to waste my time responding to this. If you're going to resort to mom jokes, I might as well resort to calling you a stupid face butt muncher. You're pretty pathetic, even for a know-nothing loser like yourself.
    Let's just cut to the end game score...

    Score: 2432-1 Drew

    Give up, you're making yourself look like an idiot.

  11. #31
    Take it to off topic.

    Soot, if you don't want to help someone out just let them be. So he can't type or talk shit very well, this is car problems. Keep it on topic.

    Last warning.

    Another fine post brought to you By:
    The Manâ„¢
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