Step 3: Now some fun stuff. Look at the firewall in the engine bay; find a grommet that’s large enough to have the wire pass through it. Remove the grommet from the firewall and start to feed the wire through into the cabin carefully. Alternatively you can skip ahead a little and drill / cut a hole large enough for the wire in the centre of the grommet, place it back in the firewall and feed the wire through it. (You might need to lubricate the wire)
As you pull the wire through into the cabin, start to feed it under the carpet. I ran mine down the side, which just involved removing the kick plates and pushing it down into the seam. Feed it right through the car to the boot (trunk) and up to where you have the box placed.
At the engine bay end, maneuver the wire around till it reaches where the battery terminals are. Cable tie it in various places so it won’t move around while driving. Cut the wire to length (making sure it’s not too taught, leave a bit of slack at both ends) and keep the off cut as it will be used later.
The wire can be hidden awa in the engine bay..
Step 4: Solder one of the ring terminals to the wire at the engine bay end, wrap the bare wire in electrical tape along with the base of the ring terminal. Remove the bolt from the + terminal. Put one end of the mounting bracket through the + and ring terminals, along with anything else that was attached to the + terminal that you want to keep in the engine bay. (Some drilling / filing may be required to get the terminals to fit).
Now take the other end of the mounting bracket and screw it into a spare 10mm bolt hole (most cars have a few). Then get a 10mm nut and washer, tighten the terminals to the bracket.
Take the – terminal and find another spare bolt hole, mount this directly into the hole as this will earth it to the chassis.(You can lengthen the wire if need be by using 2 more ring terminals)
Once you are happy with how it looks head back to the boot (trunk), taking the off cut of wire with you.
Step 5: Attach the new + Terminal to the wire and place it into the box. Put the lid on and check if you have to cut a section of the box away, so it can sit comfortably without bending the wire too much.
Take the off cut wire and attach the new - terminal to it. Repeat the process from the + terminal. Once you are satisfied with how the wires sit, get the drill and a medium sized drill bit, drill a hole in the floor next to the - terminal side. Get larger drill bits each time until the – wire will slip through it.
Place the Battery into the box, use the brace to secure it in place and attach the – terminal. (do not attach the + terminal)
Feed the – wire through the hole and go underneath the car. Look to see if you have any bolt holes in your chassis rails, if so, solder a ring terminal onto the wire and get the right sized bolt with a washer, bolt it to the chassis. If not, then you will need to get a 10mm rive nut. Drill a hole into the chassis rail just big enough for the nut, mount the rive nut then attach the ring terminal with a bolt and washer.
Feed the negative wire out
Attatch to the chassis
Get the silicone sealer and seal up the hole in the boot (trunk) round the – wire, the bolt attachment on the chassis rail and anywhere else you feel needs to be covered.
Step6: Attach the + Terminal to the battery, put the lid on the box and strap it down.
Turn the key on, and start the car.
Clean up your mess, put the seat back in along with the kick plates etc…
And we’re done.
Edit: I can't get a good pic of the rubber bracket, I'll have to get one later