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Thread: shrink size of picture file so I can post them

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  1. #1

    shrink size of picture file so I can post them

    I know how to use Photobucket or Image Shack to shrink the physical size of a picture (max width/length of 620X280) but I have not been able to shrink the size of the file below the 19.5 KB max for posting. I've tried to save file as tiff, gif, jpeg but nothing gets me below the 19.5 threshold.
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  2. #2
    i think i did it once using microsoft paint just right click pic, open with> paint, image then resize/skew and put in what percent. save and upload that to photo bucket or imageshack and see what happens. thats pc of course not mac and i got vista not windows 7
    2002 5spd swapped
    under construction.....

  3. #3
    I am stripping a 7g and want to list some parts for sale but can't because I can't get the attachments small enough so that I can post images. I have no trouble shrinking the size of a picture below the 620X280 size limit but nothing I have tried works to decrease picture quality below the 19.5 KB threshold for posting. I am using a PC (not a MAC) and have tried using photobucket, paint and even MS Word.

    Can someone give me a step by step procedure for decreasing the file size of a picture below the 19.5 kb limit?
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  4. #4
    You can try downloading Paint.NET or GIMP, they're both free image editing programs and they support a wide variety of file types and compression mechanisms. You should be able to find a combination that works. JPG with high compression will probably be your best bet for pictures of car parts

  5. #5
    I use irfanview. It's great and free on

  6. #6
    You can shrink or resize your picture using Microsoft Office Picture Manager. Just open the file, click edit picture and on the right hand side a column should appear on how you can resize your pic.

  7. #7
    Many thanks for the suggestions. I was able to compress a couple of pictures below the 19.5KB threshold using Microsoft Office Picture Manager but when I went to upload them on the forum, I once again got an error message saying the attachmnets were too large. One picture was 11 kb yet I was told it exceeded my quota by 9 kb , another was 17 KB and I was told it exceeded my quota by 14.2 KB and the last one was 17kb and I was told it exceeded my quota by 15.2 kb. I checked to see my attachment and I have nothing there so I am unsure what the problem is. Suggestions??
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  8. #8
    I'm telling ya. Go with irfanview. I have never had a problem with shrinking or blowing up pics. You can do it by the pixel if you want. search irfanview. It's free.

  9. #9
    I see you are in Spokane WA. I am in Helena MT. We are almost neighbors. Anyway, irfanview downloaded. Great program with lots of options. I figured out how to resize the pixels but did not see where I can reset the picture quality so that it is below the 19.5 kb threshold for TGC so I can try posting. Sorry for the noob questions.
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  10. #10
    If you're posting the pictures on a forum, why not just upload them to Photobucket and then post the picture with an [IMG] tag?

  11. #11
    Wow, I just realized what's actually going here. You do not need to attach the picture if it is hosted somewhere else online, i.e. Photobucket. Here's what you need to do:

    Then go to your for sale thread and paste (Ctrl+V). Bam! You have a picture

  12. #12
    In irfanview, under image tab go to resize/resample. Change your size, then on the image in the lower section it tells you how big the file is. That's how I do it, then I upload to Photobucket for easy sharing and storage.

  13. #13
    He is trying to resize his pictures to meet the size limitations of attaching them through vBulletin. If he would just upload them to Photobucket and link them with an [IMG] tag, he would have no need to size them all the way down to 19.5 KB and therefore he doesn't need to use a resizing program whatsoever

  14. #14
    Using photobucket I uploaded new pictures from my computer to photobucket. Clicked on a picture and then clicked on "IMG Code" and got response "copied" (meaning it copied the IMG code). Went to TGC to post. Clicked on "post reply" and then scrolled down to "manage attachments" and clicked on it to get window for posting attachments. In the section labeled "Upload File from a URL" I clicked on empty box and clicked "Ctrl+V" and posted the photobucket IMG code link. I clicked upload and bam, I get told "Invalid File."

    I am wondering WTF? What am I doing wrong? So I try it again and again making minor variations to the process. One time I accidentilaly posted the link directly in the reply and when I checked "preview post" there's the picture. I think I finally got it figured out, but had to stumble into it backwards and clueless but that's nothing new.

    Many thanks to all for the help. I've still got to perfect the process but I am finally on the way to posting pictures.
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  15. #15
    After you click on "post reply" you right click in your mouse and the select paste...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Drama? I handle 150lb rotties all day, I can handle your drama...

  16. #16
    You did almost everything right. After you clicked on the IMG box and it said "copied", you go to the body of your message (not where it says "Title:" and not the attachments section, but where it says "Message:") and paste (Ctrl+V) there.

    For example....

    If you are selling a turbo... write this in the area where you submit the new topic...

    Title: Used Big 16g For Sale


    Used turbo for sale... Big 16g
    13k miles
    [IMG][/IMG ]
    Where you see [IMG] just paste instead

    Sent from my Haxsung Acclaim using Tapatalk Pro
    Last edited by Voodoo; 11-25-2010 at 01:03 PM

  17. #17
    Ok that failed but I'm wasted right now so ill help you out tomorrow. Basically just go to where it says "message:" and paste it there

    Sent from my Haxsung Acclaim using Tapatalk Pro

  18. #18
    Executive summary for anyone else having problems posting pictures

    Use photobucket to upload pictures from your computer.

    Once pictures uploaded into your photobucket account, right click on a picture and a pop up window will appear. The fourth item in the pop up window is labeled "IMG CODE." Click on the link address and it will briefly change to say "COPIED"

    Now go to TGC and start writing the posting you want to insert the picture in. Insert the URL address of your picture into your posting using "Ctrl+V"

    Once done with your message I suggest you preview it to be sure the picture posted.

    FYI: You do not need to scroll down in your posting to section labeled "MANAGE ATTACHMENTS." Just copy the "IMG CODE" and paste it into your reply by using "Ctrl+V" and you are good to go.
    Last edited by eksz; 11-25-2010 at 02:03 PM
    98 ES (5 spd), 94 GS (5 spd), 94 ES (rebuilt auto), 92 Toyota 4X4, 81 KZ550 A2, 67 Mercedes 250S, 58 Mercedes 190SL

  19. #19
    ^ Exactly. Glad you got it figured out

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