Ok so I was just looking around and saw superchargers for the 8g.
This says it is a bolt on "electric" supercharger. What does that mean? It says it is different than a belt-driven supercharger.. which I thought all superchargers were.
Is this really all you need to supercharge a galant? 200$ and that's it? It's only 3 psi, which is extremely low right?
I'm a dummy to this sort of stuff. Someone please explain the pros and cons of this!
I can't believe people are still finding these...let alone selling them
A real turbo/supercharger will spin upwards of 50,000 rpm and actually compress the air, this thing will not only not do that, it will probably create a restriction in the intake at higher engine speeds as it probably can't spin fast enough to keep up with the engine demand. There is no cheap, easy way to get real performance out of an engine, that device is pure crap. And even if it did provide a benefit, you'd have to retune the computer to take advantage, and possibly modify the intake because I think it would overpressure your pcv and cause more harm than good.
"I smashed up the grey one, bought me a red;
Every time we hit the parking lot we turn heads!"
-Pimp C, "International Players Anthem"
I thought it was too good to be true... just wanted an explanation lol. 3 psi is also an extremely small amount, right?
I'm also asking because someone on the mitsubishi facebook page asked about turbo/supercharging his 4g eclipse. He said he has trouble finding a turbo and I told him that most 4g's supercharge now but he and I don't know why. So.... why do most 4g's supercharge now instead of turboing?
dude if you these question just shoot me a text. That leafblower wont blow 3psi. There are no bolt on kits, you have to go out and peice together a kit, there are a few bolt on supercharger kits but those are for the v6.
V6's can and are turbo charged.............. there must be other reasons
Currently there are some turbo'd 4G eclipses, however the supercharger is a better bet (on the stock engine) for the 6G75 due to the linear power increase, and cost.
Turbos can be harsh (spool, then bang!, though I've seen gradual ones) and the engine starts to get fragile after 400bhp, pistons especially.
It also comes as a kit, and doesn't need to be intercooled (though the higher pulleys do) helps keep cost down, which is more attractive to a end user.
Please do not wast your time and money on those...also they will deff not give you 80+ hp. If you want hp than you gatta spend real money for hp. There is no such thing as cheap hp...just do it the right way.
Evo 8 ECU / 5 Speed Swap / Fully Built Forged Motor
Turbonetics Turbo T31 Stage 3 / RPW Stage 3 Camshaft