save your money. also, buying quality wheels used is better than buying cheap wheels new if you can't afford to buy quality wheels new. cheap wheels are a downgrade from stock.
So for the past two years I've been looking into getting a nice set of rims. Trying to get 17s at the most and most preferably something with a nice lip, nothing too crazy. Like to keep it simple, but sexy. It's also a pain in the ass to find 4 lug that look decent enough :(
Any ideas? Anything that isn't going to cost way more than it's worth. Know of any companies to go through?
something as simple as this works fine
There's a lot of knockoff companies, but IMO: if you aren't going to take it to the track, getting brand name wheels aren't important. I've seen others have Rotas or XXRs for long periods of time of DD use, and they're fine. Granted, they avoid potholes and don't wack curbs, like most people will not do.
Some good quality brands that won't cost a fortune that I prefer, ROH and TSW.
American Racing estrellas
Just right
Shout out to anyone that still uses hand tools for their work
With elbow grease for power and determination for a battery
Maybe your broke maybe your old school
Me I'm a lil of both
knockoffs are yucky status and getting nice wheels has nothing to do with going to the track or not; 99% of nice wheels will never see a track. simply put, wheel choice can make or break a car's look more than any other single mod. knockoff/cheapo wheels ruin just about any car while nice wheels make almost any car better. even most stock wheels are a better choice than cheap wheels.
QTF, I'd do a stock wheel over cheapos because a lot of them are made by reputable companies (Enkei, BBS, Rays, ROH supplies OEM wheels too) and a lot of engineering goes into them. While I'm not a diehard anti-knockoff man, I don't respect a knockoff company because they make their $$ by copying another company's design and hard work. I won't flame someone because they have Rota's or XXR's though.
"I smashed up the grey one, bought me a red;
Every time we hit the parking lot we turn heads!"
-Pimp C, "International Players Anthem"
Just curious, how exactly does it ruin the look of a car? Especially if it's just a simple, gloss painted five spoke wheel? Not everyone is a wheel whore/guru. I'll admit, I know of some knockoffs, but not all. I like simple, clean looking wheels, regardless of brand or anything. But some want to be all about the name brand. Hell, I've been told ROH and TSW are lousy brands. lol
Those Estrella's are simple five spoke rims...and they're simply ugly too. All comes down to wheel choice. I've seen those rims on cars, and they never look good. I know personally I don't want knockoffs, just personal preference, them being lighter than their knockoffs always helps, even if it is inconsequential. It's like having fake Jordan or AF1's on; the knockoffs still work as shoes, but the originals are of better quality and they're the real deal!!
"I smashed up the grey one, bought me a red;
Every time we hit the parking lot we turn heads!"
-Pimp C, "International Players Anthem"
Have you seen how cheap they are? lol American Racing practically gives them away for what they sell for, main reason why people keep buying them. But I see your point though.
Last edited by master_visionary; 10-19-2011 at 09:20 PM
Shout out to anyone that still uses hand tools for their work
With elbow grease for power and determination for a battery
Maybe your broke maybe your old school
Me I'm a lil of both
I'm diehard anti-knockoff and will flame, but other than that. YES.
Well let's see:
-If you're anywhere near a car with the real deal your car looks like doo doo. ROH and TSW are lousy. Well TSW has a couple wheels of respectable quality, but only two.
OP, click this link:
It will make your car happy :)
Personally I don't want knockoff, I like the O.z. , konig, and BBS styles, but don't know exactly what'll fit and what'll work. Wanted some more input. Also I'm not going to buy cheap XXR or even TSW, being they're overpriced and not that great to begin with
Don't hate. The owner makes the car not the wheels
Shout out to anyone that still uses hand tools for their work
With elbow grease for power and determination for a battery
Maybe your broke maybe your old school
Me I'm a lil of both
Blue8g gave me a great idea with the Advan AVS model 6's. soooooo sexy
Winning is winning