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Thread: Removing Paint!!!!

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  1. #1
    Member Bonez's Avatar
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    West LA, Cali by way of PG County, Maryland

    Removing Paint!!!!

    What up peeps!!! I was wondering is there an easy way to remove the spray paint where you sprayed. Like i want to take the blue off of my buttons on all the doors and the little cups in the doors. I want them to be black again. Is there a way to get em' off easily without getting new ones?? I was thinking like letting them sit in paint thinner or mineral spirits. Let me know thanks peoples!!!

  2. #2
    i'd be careful with using them chemicals to remove the paint. yea they can remove the paint but if you leave the part in the chemicals for too long, they can eat away from the plastic also.

    sanding would do it. but odn't use a really rough sand paper. but yea with the plastic on our cars, there are some differences. some of them have the color going all the way thru. so even if you sand a lil past the original surface, the color will still be there. but on other surfaces, like the ash tray for example, its only colored on the outside and under that is some black plastic. so if you wanted it grey or tan again, you'd have to paint it.

    downside to sanding is that on some surfaces, the surface is textured and you will lose that texture if u sand.

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  3. #3
    Experienced TGC Member
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    Southern California
    I heard you can use nail paint remover for plastics and stuff. Whatever you do DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE USE AIRCRAFT REMOVER! Take my word on this one. RIP door handle.

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