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Thread: 9G Service Manual

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  1. #21
    so i tried and tried again. on different browsers and even different pc's with no luck. is it at all possible to upload to a dropbox account if you have one.

  2. #22
    Try it now... I think I solved the problem with Chrome... You will need to download two parts...

    Drama? I handle 150lb rotties all day, I can handle your drama...

  3. #23
    thank you so much. Both files were downloaded successfully. Thank you

  4. #24
    You are welcome and glad it worked out...

    Drama? I handle 150lb rotties all day, I can handle your drama...

  5. #25
    Link seems to be invalid. Any chance someone can post a new one?

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Okay everyone... get this while you can!

    I am not going to host this on my servers any more because when I do they just get hijacked by spammers and they suck up a ton of bandwidth. So I am going to upload this to a site I found one last time and someone else will have to start hosting these files. The site I have chosen is called File and it looks like if the files do not get downloaded at least once a month they remove the files. In any case here is the link to the 9G service manual...

    Drama? I handle 150lb rotties all day, I can handle your drama...

  8. #28
    Anyway you can posted it again. I checked the link and there is nothing there. Thanks in advance.

  9. #29

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