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Thread: 2005 Galant GTS power drain while off.

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  1. #1

    2005 Galant GTS power drain while off.

    Hey everyone,

    I'm new to the forums, but I've been working on this car for a year and can't figure out what's going on. When I bought it (for $500), it needed a new battery, then threw a camshaft position sensor code, then an O2 sensor code.

    The car died while driving after going into limp mode (which I'm pretty sure was from the CPS), and then the next day the car wouldn't turn on at all without being jumped. Even once it was on, all the dash lights would flicker.

    Naturally, I figured this was the alternator. Replaced it with a known working alternator, replaced the Camshaft Position Sensor, then the O2 sensor. I had the battery fully charged and tested (good battery. Not even a year old.), and parked my car.

    Three weeks later, I open the door to move the car into my garage, and it is completely, one hundred percent dead.

    So now I have a power drain. The previous owner(s) had a sound system and left all of the wires hooked up after taking the subs out. I chased them up and found an Auloc system and an iSmart system.

    The auloc was spliced into a harness near the passengers right foot, and the iSmart was behind the factory radio, spliced into the radio harness and wired to a killswitch by the drivers right knee.

    The killswitch when off still pulled 200 ohms, and when on, it pulled 225ohms.

    Could this be what killed the battery? Also, what are the harnesses for that are at the passengers foot? There's three harnesses total, and this one is the one on the left of the two that go behind the dashboard.



  2. #2
    Welcome aboard! I'd start by removing all non-OEM junk and return to all factory wiring. Use the FSM if you need to. Most likely something is still tapped into a constant 12V and that's draining your battery.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by gtx View Post
    Welcome aboard! I'd start by removing all non-OEM junk and return to all factory wiring. Use the FSM if you need to. Most likely something is still tapped into a constant 12V and that's draining your battery.
    Thanks for the input!

    I cut out all the sound system stuff that the previous owner installed. I realized I'm out of electrical tape, so I'm gonna unsolder the smaller pieces that I left attached and wrap up everything. I'm hoping that this is the cause since it was draining so much power with the car and killswitch off.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bylanter View Post
    What caused the issue?
    Still have no idea. Getting a replacement title since like got lost in the move when I bought my house, and scrapping the car. It's been sitting for the three years I've owned it and I can't figure out what's wrong.

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