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Thread: coolant and stuff

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  1. #1
    Touring rider

    coolant and stuff

    Hi mates

    I'm goinna change the coolant in my car,so, what do i got to do to release the bubbles trapped in the cooling system ?

    how can i do it without releasing the traped air, i've been told to make that without doing that is to fill the radiator very slowly to not create any bubbles in it and that's it. what do you recommend ?

    and when i flush the system, can i use regular water, the one from the kitchen for example mixed with a flush additive for that use :?: instead the other water (with no minerals) ?

    i bought a coolant / antifreeze and i have to mix with water with no minerals,you know what i mean, it's just that i don't know the exact word.

    Any tips would be really good


    my yammie xt 600 is air cooled so i have no worries about cooling 8)

  2. #2
    here in the US we can use regular tap water to flush out the system.

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  3. #3
    Touring rider
    thanks about that and do you know how to release the bubbles in the cooling system?

    any comment welcome

  4. #4
    There is a bolt I believe on the water neck that you take out to remove the air

  5. #5
    Experienced TGC Member
    Join Date
    When doing the final fill, on the water neck there is a small 10mm bolt, with a little yellow stick under it. Remove that bolt, and fill the system, and try to do it kinda slowly, or rather using a small stream when pouring so that there is room for air to escape up the funnle as the liquid goes in. The bolt hole will help the air escape. When coolant starts to come out of the bolt hole, replace the bolt, dont over tighten or you'll break the head off.

    Fill up the radiator to the top, and then start your car up. Wrap a shope towel around the filler hole and start the car up, coolant may overflow out of the radiator thats why the towel is there. Let the car idle for like 15-20 min until it gets to normal temp, then the fans will kick on and the radiator will open up and the fluid level will sudenly drop. When that happens add more coolant while the level drops. After a minute the fans will kick off and the coolant level will rise again. Just watch the coolant you can see air bubbles bubbling out as the air is forced out of the system. Do this a a few times, then cap the radiator, and make sure you fill the reserviour up to the FULL line.

    Would be a good idea after taking a drive around to check the reserve bottle, as more air escapes it will suck coolant from the bottle, and you dont want the reserve to ever go empty or ull just suck in more air.
    rIp 97 Galant
    starting over.
    90 Talon

  6. #6
    Touring rider
    Hi Jip

    I changed coolant and flush the system a couple of days ago, thanks for that advices,now i'll know how to do it in the next service but maybe again 'cause i'm wondering how can you get the coolant out of the motor.

    I drained all the radiator and it was like 3 liters but in the engine there was 4 liters remaining. anyway i flushed the system about 3 times.

    I checked the total amount of the radiator like i said so i thought maybe if i put 2 liters in the radiator the amount of coolant in the engine will decrease.

    I was wrong, the amount of coolant when i drained the radiator again was 2 liters, so......

    How can you get the other coolant out located in the block, the head ? i just drained the coolant from the radiator.

    thanks again 8)

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